Why Building During The Bear Is So Important

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In my years of working in crypto (Since 2011) and also in business for myself in helping other businesses build from small to medium sized businesses there's one thing clear that I always now press above anything else. That's the importance of building a solid foundation when the worst seems to be happening. In crypto we would call this the bear market and in business we would call this downsizing.

    Building A Crypto Foundation

    To me one of the most amazing things about crypto is the sheer amount of possibilities and earnings you have with it. Sure there's very high risk at most points but if you search long enough and put in enough work you'll quickly find that there are rather safe options that offer far higher rewards then that of the traditional finance world.

    This gives those working in crypto vast amounts of wealth that can be generated if they make smart decisions during the process.

    For example by simply blogging about your project you can earn rewards that can be invested or collect earnings on them as well. There's also decent stable coins offer 5% or higher APR allowing you to generate some pretty steading revenue for your project that can help cover costs or grow when it's not needed.

    These small things go a long way over time. By building steady foundations like this for your business you can take the ups and downs and still run operations as need be.

    For example let's say your game makes 2 million in sales. From that you have to pay out 50,000 a month in developer costs. That means you have at least one million to 1.5 million in funds left which could be doing something. By converting some into a stable token like USDC you could simply put it in Coinbase and earn 5.1% APR on it for $51,000 - $76,500 a year which would now cover the costs of one month of developer time. Repeat this over time and with continued sales and you can quickly see how you can pretty much become self sufficient with no sales needing to be generated to continue operations. Throw in some crazy mixes like HBD offering up 20% APR at the moment and you just covered yourself for 4 months+ of developer costs.

    This foundation allows you to build confidence and keep everything in check with your platform. Now this doesn't only apply to a business you can think of your own life as a business really. With the ultimate goal being to live your life how you want and not work for money anymore. What many would call financial freedom.

    Crypto gives you the ability to to do that faster then any other financial system. By offering many of the things above. Your work gets rewarded and those rewards can be compounded and I think the Hive Blockchain and InLeo offer up the best examples of this at the moment.

    The Bull

    During the last two years of the bear market my goal was to become self sufficient in income from the crypto I have. That meant earning around $200 in value a day in crypto through various sources even if it did require my full time. I figured that could be reduced down over time as the coffers continue to grow.

    The mindset of being able to do this during the bear market meant that in the worst case my crypto earnings were not only diversified enough but also generated enough to allow me to do whatever I wanted based on simply crypto revenues.

    That also meant that when the bull kicked in in theory I should be making at least double that which I could then put towards other investments or stable coins to generate solid passive income from.

    For example I was earning $200 daily from my cryptos and then the bull market started to kick in. Those earnings would increase as token prices increased (as long as it's not invested or earned in stable coins) this would push me to $400 daily and in the case of a serious bull run like we had back in 2021 very well could push this to $600+ daily. Since I'm used to living off $200 during the non bull cycle that means daily I would have $200-$400+ in crypto which could be either invested or converted into stable coins to earn APR on them.

    So you can start to see that while everyone else is down in the dumps about crypto during the bear market there's actully massive advances you could and should be doing for yourself and your business during those times. Instead of treading water you should be getting yourself to a point where you can live good which makes the bull market that much sweater.

    Do you feel this bull run will be the last?

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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