Three Elements of Life that are most important to you / WEEK 194

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Welcome to my blog


    Today is almost the end of the weekend and I hope you enjoyed it. I participate this week 194, where I take the topic of my entry to participate.

    What three elements of life would you say are the most important to you and why?

    I thought at the time of reading the question about material things, but as the question is the most important elements for your life; then I said to myself that the material is always something that comes and goes and as I am not materialistic, then I will focus my entry on elements that fill my soul with satisfaction, peace and tranquility.I start with:

    My family, for me is my complement; they are those people who fill me with happiness, from my children, my husband, my nephews and nieces. They really are my engine that moves me to move forward and strive to be better every day. In short, they are very important to me because I love them immensely.



    Another element that is super important to me is:

    My peace and tranquility; they say this is priceless that's why I consider it important because for me to have tranquility and peace is to be in that emotional state that allows me to be happy with everything I do.


    As a third element, I would point towards

    Healthy eating; for some time now and because of my age, I have considered that healthy eating is one of my priorities because of my health condition, I must lead a life with healthy eating to ensure that my body improves and remain in good health.



    I consider that these three elements are the most important for me, I believe they make a full balance of well-being for my being. I have a family, I have peace of mind and I strive to eat better every day for my health. I hope you like my selection for this week that focuses on wellness.

    I bid you farewell and see you at a later date.
    Photographs are my property


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