My love for animation is divine.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I am not much of a TV girl, and this has been a terrible habit since childhood. I prefer watching comedy shows and music videos, but not movies, especially the local ones, because they can be really annoying. It's not like I completely hate movies and stay away from them; I watch sometimes when the hype is huge but not the action type because I prefer romance. Romance is my favorite genre when it comes to books or movies, and I just enjoy them a lot.

    The reason I don't have much interest in movies is due to my super ability to always know what will happen at the end of the movie, and that discourages me a lot. I don't know if there are people who can relate to this, and I believe movies should be filled with suspense. The beginning of the movie shouldn't give me a hint about the end. I love it when I guess all through while watching a movie.

    But with animation, it's different. I don't have many expectations since it's just animation, and surprisingly, they go a long way toward impressing me. With animation, I don't have a genre and would watch anything that popped up on my screen.


    Someone asked me which I preferred between the Avatar animation and the newly produced one. I chose the animation because I love it, and nothing more. I appreciate the fact that the producers got the characters right; they were able to replicate the characters, but I still admire the animation more.

    Another movie I prefer the animation to the real-life one, Mulan. I find the animation more interesting, and people who have seen both can attest.

    Whenever people ask if I have movies on my mobile phone and I show them different animation series and movies, they are always like, When will you grow up, Lara?

    I find their thoughts about my love for animation more funny than annoying because, by the time they see a few of these animation movies I have, they always ask if I have more for them.I have seen a lot of animation movies, and choosing my favorite is kind of challenging because I love a lot of them, especially when it is about preserving culture. They are kind of educational.

    Some years ago, I saw the animation movie Encanto, and this is one of the movies that has made me shed tears. A few of my friends called me crazy that day, and it was then they realized how connected I was to animation movies.The animation industry has grown a lot, and it is awesome to know that it is widely accepted across the world. I saw a little Nigerian child speaking the Japanese language he learned from animations. It wasn't much, but it was a huge thing for the Japanese animation industry because they are indirectly teaching the world about their culture and history.

    There are a few movies I wouldn't mind seeing the animation version, and one of them is Marry Me, because if the human version can keep me glued to the TV, the animation version will take me to a whole new level.

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