Beer Saturday : Big Suits by Toppling Goliath

in voilk •  4 months ago


    My #beersaturday share, as inspired by @detlev. This one features a quite hefty beer (9.8% ABV, to be exact) that is a Triple Indian Pale Ale from that Iowa brewery of goodness, Toppling Goliath.



    YUM! I'm about halfway through one of these tall boys, and it's a good one. There is definitely some booze to this one. Usually, Iowa hides that pretty well, but coming in at 10% is tall task to cover. It's got a burn to it as I sip it, writing this share out...



    Thick and hazy, just the way I like my IPAs. I typically give all Toppling IPAs at least a 4/5, and this one just makes it to that 4.0 status. It's a good beer, but wow it's strong. I'm now 2/3rds of the way through it, and I'm starting to feel it.

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    I mean, are the Packers on or what? With my hair needing another haircut, I've been wearing that Packer hat quite a bit. What can you do? Long hair in March in Wisconsin...nothing that GB Packer hat can't hide. With a few more beers in me tonight, I might even go outside and check out the stars later. We'll see what the night and beers bring...

    Thanks for checking out my #beersaturday share. If you are interested in joining the fun, check the link below :

    Until next weekend, and hopefully with a new beer and a haircut to share.

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