in voilk •  2 months ago


    The Virtuous Woman! She is the Epitome of beauty, at the same time God- fearing.


    Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies; Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all (Proverbs 31:10, 29 (KJV).


    Proverbs 31:10-31 (KJV)


    God created woman in His image and likeness, in His own image created He both male and female then presented her to man. The man saw the woman, love and cherish her above all creation. And he said this is now 'bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Eve (woman)' He also declares, she shall forever be my help meet (Companion)
    (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:20,23)

    Who is the Virtuous Woman?

    1. The Virtuous Woman is Prayerful.
    2. She is a Soulmate,
    3. She is a Helpmate,
    4. She is a Comforter in times of need and distress.
    5. She is Calm in crises.
    6. She is Patient.
    7. She is Endurance personified.
    8. She is Hospitable.
    9. She is Accommodating.
    10. She is a Daughter, a Sister, Aunt, a Wife, and a Mother, all in one...

    The virtuous Woman is Industrious,

    1. She is a Career-woman,
    She is a house-wife and a Care-giver.

    2. She is a Home builder.
    She is Diligent in duty.

    3. She is Prudent, Eloquent but Discreet.
    4. She is Excellent and Intelligent in her endeavours.

    The Virtuous Woman command's Respect

    1. She is Simple but Wise,
    2. She is Elegant, not arrogant.
    3. She is an Epitome of Beauty, Loving and God- fearing.

    The virtuous Woman is Humble not proud.

    1. She is a delightful woman to behold, not boring.
    2. She is a Burden bearer.
    Her family, society and community praise her.**

    The Virtuous Woman is Honest and Sincere.

    1. She is Impartial in judgement.
    2. She is Dependable and Trustworthy.
    3. She is also Faithful in all her dealings.

    She is a Model to Emulate.**

    The Virtuous Woman! Is Priceless,

    **1.She Inestimable and Honourable. Who can truly find this 'Woman?
    **2. Her qualities are endless.

    The wise preacher says:

    Her Price is far above fine Rubies' (Precious jewels or any attainments) Proverbs 31:10.


    Dear Father, creator of heavens and heaven of heavens, the earth, and it's fullness thereof.
    You made the woman and presented her to the man as a help meet (Companion). Please help our women to assume their divine rolls and responsibilities assigned to them as help meet, wether in calm or stormy weather, good or bad situations even as required of the Virtuous woman. I made this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ - Amen.

    IMG-20240510-WA0000~2.jpg[My mother and her grandchildren]

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