
in voilk •  3 months ago


    According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, feign means to give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression. feign death. b. : to assert as if true : pretend. He feigned that he was not feeling well so that he could leave the party early. Link

    But I simply define feign as an act of deception, a method of disguise and deceit. It comes with a reason, with a purpose, something to achieve behind the whole act.

    Of course, no one will go through all the trouble of feigning for nothing, there's always a catch. This is why being vigilant is good, you need to be watchful. You need to watch out for yourself.

    I cannot think much of a person who will hide his identity or pick up another identify just to get at someone. The act of feigning is not nice when you are at the receiving end.

    Keeping the real intention and publicising the wrong idea is an act of deception. Let's keep it real!

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