Christmas Time - Love, Happiness, Faith and Hope - Part Two

in voilk โ€ขย  3 months ago

    Good morning my dear friends, good morning Photography Lovers๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿ™Œ

    This peaceful and quiet Sunday, still foggy and dreamy in the early morning, is today the first Sunday in Advent.

    And on this quiet morning I light the first candle on the Advent wreath, today I light the candle of Hope in the silence of my home. Just like every year, it is a candle that when lit brings hope ........ Hope that everything will be fine ... Hope in our faith ....

    Let's hope today, dear friends.

    At the beginning of the post in front of the next photo, I will tell you a story, my story and the story of my brother, about whom I have already written with so much love. A story of hope

    On November 29, 2020, it was the first Sunday of Advent, the Sunday when the first candle is lit, the candle of hope ..... My brother was in the hospital, seriously ill with the damn Covid, on a ventilator. At 11:50, I lit the first candle, the candle of hope, and stood over it in the silence of my home .... and I hoped .... Just five minutes later, at 11:55, I received a message that said, I keep it in my phone and in my heart: "Dado (that's what we called him) .... Wake up, we took him off the ventilator, he is in a semi-awake state and everything should be fine, he is showing signs of recovery"
    And that was a sign that hope is strong, that it is with us and with him.......

    And this, dear friends, is that moment, captured a few moments before the message arrived, the moment when hope shines and gives us the strength to continue.

    But life still writes its own stories... Despite endless hope for my brother's recovery, he left us after 13 days ๐Ÿ˜”, he couldn't hold on, he couldn't win another victory, damn Covid was stronger....

    But life must go on and my brother ๐Ÿ˜‡ would be the first to demand that of us....
    Therefore, after this photo and the story accompanying it, I continue with photos of my city during Advent, during the most beautiful holiday of the year

    My happiness, my joy, my hope, my peace ..... All of this is in my love for my grandchildren โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™. This handsome man who follows is my Pavel ๐Ÿ’™, my son's son .... He also enjoys Christmas like grandma

    At the end of today's post, baubles for my Christmas tree with his photos


    Dear friends, this is all for today.... I have so many photos of Christmas in my city, I keep them all, both on my computer and in my heart, I love to see them, to remember everything, the beautiful and the sad.... Life is like that....โค๏ธ

    Your @goga22

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