Diving Into the Secret of Praetoria Research

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Land. It’s the selling point I needed to dive head first into the @splinterlands diverse ecosystem some years back. I loved the pitch and the idea of being able to mint cards to use in battle, place on land as workers, to sell or rent out to others, hell…perhaps even create decks for scholar accounts from that inevitable influx of eager players, I believe we will eventually see enter our world.

    That mixed with a massive resource management game combined with a complex economy and TRUE asset ownership…all based off your planning on terrain type, workers & bonuses utilized, and a little luck, makes for an exciting new expansion to look forward to. Oh…let’s not forget that other key factor that also applies in the real world…


    Armed with that passion and promise, I’ve worked hard to carefully create a pretty strong position for myself within this vast world. If things do really take off here as I believe they can and will, my efforts will hopefully bear delicious & juicy fruit.


    I feel that being the Sentinel of Lonshire (119) comes with the need and want to set a good example. Therefore, with over 200 active plots constituting of a healthy slate of Magical & Occupied as well as having several other Marshal hubs in and around my main digs, has allowed me to luckily do just that by having a strong showing in my Research Points for the Secret of Praetoria project.

    As of right now those Points just sit and accumulate, but I feel as though they most certainly will not only be super important in advancing within the laws of Land, but will be much more difficult to come by in later stages of the expansion. So I’m trying to top off now and be proactive in that department. These efforts have me (at least for now), firmly in Second Place in our territory of the Great Lowlands. That’s great as it’ll land me a killer bonus in ranked once those prefix titles are added onto the mix.


    It’s also got me in really good company with other Legends such as @jeffopenscards & @brybro27. I like to keep good company I guess. Speaking of legends, I’d like to give a shout-out to all of those who are going heavy on Research at this moment. Things are, a little shakey with our community and overall sentiment at present, so to see so many folks have enough faith, patience, and long term vision to go deep on it…I got one thing to say to you all which is a truly hearty VoNaK!


    It would be so easy to just load up on more $sps by setting up Shard Mines in place of Huts…so I’m happy to see that there are a large portion of the community here who still shares at least some of that vision of what could be, with me. With that being said, as I sit here more than content with my impressive 600k worth, there are 18 rockstars who are sitting pretty at over a clean Million!!! A special VoNaK to you pioneers. Also, @vugtis, you are a madman!


    I think as long as I am still snagging that title, once I top off at a million I’m going to take about 10-15% of my Research production, and flip em to help me balance out my grain deficiencies along with perhaps another Shard mine or two. I have goals for a milly there as well. In time…

    So all in all, I look forward to what lies ahead for us here. I look forward to a time when the onboarding experience is simplified as it’s expanded, tweaks and changes excite our player base to keep ‘em coming back, an actual ongoing proper marketing campaign is launched, guild play is expanded upon, that pesky centralized exchange listing perhaps comes to existence, and games and expansions are added in all leading to a healthy and sustainable growth here that makes for a world full of excitement. Oh, and a little luck doesn’t hurt…

    Thanks for your time as always,


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