in voilk •  5 months ago

    Before I proceed with the task for today, I felt to share something that would benefit everyone. Our personal health is very important hence it shouldn't be taken for granted. Many that were so careless cut short their lives. Personal health safety is key, if there is no life work and other cleaning activity won't work. Therefore follow me in this series as I share some basic health tips to help us even in the course of discharging our responsibility in keeping the planet cleaned.

    In brief, I would like to share on the differences between slip, trip and falls. These three words are interchangeably used and many get confused easily on the suitable word to be used. I see slip as a word or term used to describe a situation where an individual looses grip with the floor surface. Or is when the sole of a foot or footwear loose grip on the ground. You may loose balance which if not properly managed could lead to accident. While trip on the hand means an obstruction or when there is a surface not flat. You can easily loose balance because the ground is not balanced. Lastly fall could be either trip or slip which an individual falls to the ground.

    In my subsequent edition, I will highlight some causes of slip, trip and fall. Please always take note so that you won't fall a victim of any.

    Here are the pictures to summarised my cleaning activity for today.

    @solarisfuture, @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @resonator

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