Last Vermont Sublime Sunday

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This will be our last Sublime Sunday in Vermont. Heading to Florida next week on a cross country move about 1,400 miles away. The movers arrive Monday to finish the packing (we've got 70% done), then we close on the house and start driving Wed afternoon.

    It will be a nice change for sure, but still some things we'll miss. This waterfall and the nearby creek are two of them.

    I will miss looking out at the meadow the most. It's beautiful not just in the winter snow, but of course the spectacular fall colors.

    I will miss hauling and stacking firewood just a bit. While I actually found it calming and relaxing mentally, the physical every week was starting to get tiring and a bit tedious.

    I would haul about 4-5 wheelbarrow's a week from woodshed to this stack to heat the house. It kept it nice and toasty, which we love, but it will be nice to free up that hour or two every weekend.

    Betty will of course miss the snow. She loves playing in the snow, laying in the snow, eating the snow. Not going to see much of that in the heat of Florida.

    Here below you can see the new quilting workshop in the background. I never did get a chance to upload those videos of it getting put in. I will still have that on my list.

    I won't miss the 16 or 20 or more inch snowfalls. We are not into the winter sports much anymore. While I did enjoy the showshoeing for a bit. I'm much more a snorkel and scuba kind of guy. So goodbye meadow, goodbye creek, goodbye waterfall and long backyard hikes. There are many other more pressing personal matters driving the move, but I won't go into those here.

    On to the next adventure we go. While there are definitely some things we will be sad to leave here, there will also be many new things to explore and experience there. Next postings will be from new and exciting locations.

    Have a great Sublime Sunday!

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