
in voilk •  5 months ago

    The last two weeks were really tough, and my activities on here slowed down as I was writing my third-year examination. I was mentally and physically drained, and after my last paper yesterday, I had to go with my friend to her aunt's farm to see the rabbits as this was my own little method of unwinding.

    The sun was setting as we set out to the farm to see the Rabbits. It was the perfect time because the evening breeze on our faces felt refreshing.


    Sadly, I couldn't take very clear pictures as, by the time we got to the farm, the sun had completely disappeared in the horizon, so I had to make use of my flashlight. The darkness made it challenging to capture the details.


    There weren't many rabbits on the farm. Most of them had been sold out, and the few remaining seemed not properly taken care of.


    I thought of volunteering to care for them, but I figured my body needed more rest than I could think of. Going days without proper sleep can cause serious mental and physical discomfort, so I erased the thought from my mind.


    Anyway, the rabbits seemed adorable regardless of not being properly cared for; don't mind the photos. We saw a black loner Rabbit too.


    It shied away from my touch when I tried taking it in my arms, but my friend swore to take it in hers, not minding its introverted nature. Lol.


    On the farm were these beautiful garden eggs. At first it was exciting plucking one from the tree until I took a bite. It was bitter but my friend enjoyed it. I'm used to having a preference for sweet flavors.


    There were some adorable chicks too. I must admit I wasn't excited to see them away from their mothers. What if they're cold? The mother's warmth works better, in my opinion. Reasoning objectively, a business has to be run regardless, as the demand for chicken in the market is pretty high and different measures have to be taken to make sure the chicks grow faster, ready to satisfy the needs of the consumer.


    It was relaxing touring the farm and seeing the animals.


    I also stopped by the library to borrow some books. Currently on "Flowering Judas" authored by Elizabeth Palmer. So far, it's intriguing, and I should be tendering a review soon.

    It feels good to be back to being less busy, and I hope to write more often.

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