Liberty Media buys MotoGP for 4 billion USD

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Aiming for exponential growth

    Liberty Media Group is a media corporation specialised in sports and more importantly in the marketing aspect of it.
    In 2016 they bought the Formula 1 circus for a fee of 8 billion USD. Through very smart actions, with extra races in the middle East and in the United States together with a reality TV show on Netflix, “Drive to survive”, they managed to move the interest in Formula 1 to unknown heights. The Formula 1 brand is now worth a tenfold of what LMG paid for it!

    Now this is exactly what LMG is planning with MotoGP. Expand its horizons, and put the brand in the market as perfectly as possible.

    Some MotoGP fans look at this move with a bit of fear, but it will make the sport a lot more attractive for the average Joe. And, probably for the hardcore fans too. Because MotoGP is in essence a lot more spectacular than Formula 1. With more riders close battling with eachother, lots of position changes during races. Exactly what Formula 1 lacks right now.

    Not just F1 its little brother

    MotoGP really has the potential to become a sport that can put its leg next to Formula 1. It will not just be Formula 1 ‘s little brother. Its spectacle is really much more worth watching than Formula 1, the only thing lacking now is the marketing machine which Formula 1 has right now!

    Write it down, in a few years, MotoGP will be as big as Formula 1, possibly even bigger.



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