[ES/EN] 👊Winning with 🔥"Venari Marksrat" and 💥"Madcap Magus" in 🔥"Little League"

in voilk •  26 days ago

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    Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me.

    Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Splinterlands", hoy uso un team "Earth" y me enfrente a un team "Life", es una batalla de "mana 17" y sin los monstruos "Fire".
    Greetings to the entire "Splinterlands" community, today I use an "Earth" team and I face a team "Life" is a "17 mana" battle without the "Fire" monsters.


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    Ruleset: "Little League"

    Esta regla de batalla establece que solo se pueden usar monstruos e invocadores de costo mana 4 o menos. Para incrementar tus defensas debemos usar invocadores que nos den "+1 armor" o "+1 health". Se recomienda usar monstruos con al menos 2 de daño mágico o "ranged".
    This battle rule states that only monsters and summoners of mana cost 4 or less can be used. To increase your defenses we must use summoners that give us "+1 armor" or "+1 health". It is recommended to use monsters with at least 2 magic or "ranged" damage.


    Uso un team "Earth" con ataque mágico y "ranged".

    Mi invocador es "Obsidian" que da +1 ataque mágico a todos mis monstruos.
    En la primera posición tengo a "Furious Chicken", servirá de escudo para el primer ataque.
    En la segunda posición tengo a "Venari Marksrat", un "martyr" que al morir dará más poder a "Madcap Magus", un
    "scattershot" y "Life Leech" que atacará a un objetivo al azar y ganará 1 punto de vida cada vez que dañe al enemigo.

    I use an "Earth" team with magic attack and "ranged".

    My summoner is "Obsidian" which gives +1 magic attack to all my monsters.
    In the first position I have "Furious Chicken", it will serve as a shield for the first attack.
    In the second position I have "Venari Marksrat", a "martyr" who when killed will give more power to "Madcap Magus", a
    "scattershot" and "Life Leech" which will attack a random target and gain 1 life point each time it damages the enemy.


    Ubico un "swiftness", un sanador y un "gladius" al final.

    Después he ubicado a "Brownie" que aumenta la velocidad de mis unidades.
    Ahora tengo a "Wood Nymph" cuya función será sanar a mi tanque.
    Y mi último monstruo es "Cutter Brieze", un "gladius" con "bloodlust" muy veloz.

    I place a "swiftness", a healer and a "gladius" at the end.

    Then I located "Brownie" who increases the speed of my units.
    Now I have "Wood Nymph" whose function will be to heal my tank.
    And my last monster is "Cutter Brieze", a very fast "gladius" with bloodlust.


    Me enfrento a un team "Life" con ataque mixto.

    Su invocador es "Mother Khala" que da "+1 health" a todos sus monstruos.
    Su tanque es "Dax Paragon" con ataque mágico.
    Su segunda unidad es "Gargoya Scrapper", un "gold" con ataque "melee".
    Su tercer monstruo es "Stitch Leech", un "sneak" que atacará a mi última unidad.
    Después tiene a "Celestial Harpy", un "opportunity" con "flying" que ataca al más débil de los míos.
    Casi al final tiene a "Venari Crystalsmith", un sanador con ataque "ranged".
    Y su último monstruo es "Chaos Agent", un "gold" sin ataque.

    I face a "Life" team with a mixed attack.

    Its summoner is "Mother Khala" who gives "+1 health" to all its monsters.
    His tank is "Dax Paragon" with magic attack.
    His second unit is "Gargoya Scrapper", a "gold" with a "melee" attack.
    His third monster is "Stitch Leech", a "sneak" that will attack my last unit.
    Then he has "Celestial Harpy", an "opportunity" with "flying" that attacks the weakest of my people.
    Near the end you have "Venari Crystalsmith", a healer with a ranged attack.
    And his last monster is "Chaos Agent", a "gold" with no attack.


    Ronda 1

    Liquidan a "Venari Marksrat" pero este fortalece a "Madcap Magus", sin embargo "Stitch Leech" elimina
    a "Cutter Brieze".

    Round 1

    They eliminate "Venari Marksrat" but he strengthens "Madcap Magus", however "Stitch Leech" eliminates
    to "Cutter Brieze."


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    Ronda 2

    "Dax Paragon" cae ante mi "Madcap Magus". Pero "Brownie" y "Wood Nymph" son eliminados por el "opportunity" y "sneak" enemigos.

    Round 2

    "Dax Paragon" falls to my "Madcap Magus". But "Brownie" and "Wood Nymph" are eliminated by the enemy "opportunity" and "sneak."


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    Ronda 3

    "Gargoya Scrapper" sucumbe ante mi "Madcap Magus" y esto le permite ganar salud y resistir los ataques enemigos.

    Round 3

    "Gargoya Scrapper" succumbs to my "Madcap Magus" and this allows him to gain health and resist enemy attacks.


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    Ronda 4

    "Madcap Magus" sigue en pie dando batalla y hasta esquiva el ataque de "Stitch Leech".

    Round 4

    "Madcap Magus" is still standing fighting and even dodges the attack of "Stitch Leech".


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    Ronda 5

    Liquidamos a "Stitch Leech" y la batalla está ganada porque "Madcap Magus" siempre podrá recuperar un punto de salud.

    Round 5

    We eliminate "Stitch Leech" and the battle is won because "Madcap Magus" can always recover a point of health.


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    ¿Funciono mi estrategia? ¿Qué intentaré diferente la próxima vez?.

    Mi estrategia dio resultados, "Madcap Magus" gano poder gracias a "Venari Marksrat" y supo resistir
    hasta que el ataque enemigo se debilitó.
    La próxima vez usaré un team "Water" con full ataque mágico.

    Strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

    My strategy paid off, "Madcap Magus" gained power thanks to "Venari Marksrat" and knew how to resist.
    until the enemy attack weakened.
    Next time I will use a "Water" team with full magic attack.



    Si aún no juegas "Splinterlands", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
    If you don't play "Splinterlands" yet, you can sign up with my link.


    La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


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