Una Pinchadura Que No Imagine Grave [ES-EN]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Copia de Copia de Negro y Blanco Amarillo Neón Desgastado Moderno Producto Video Promocional.gif



    Hello friends, this week I have been full, both going out of my house and riding my bike. Last Friday, I had to go out and things happened that I am going to tell you today. The rest of the week has been pretty hectic and well, among those things, is fixing the bike, but first the story.


    Last Friday, I had to make a delivery a little far from my house, but... there was a problem. The back tire was a little bit bad, it was leaking every so often. I left the apartment with a full tire and after 5 kilometers (where I made the delivery) I had to fill it again (I helped another person who had no air pump and I thought they were going to help me hahahaha).

    After that, I went to a friend's house to help him with a problem with his computer, I solved it almost looking over it, I moved one thing or another and that was it (the good thing about knowing computer failures). Some time passed and other friends arrived, they invited me to the gym and well... from a simple visit, I ended up in another place, which I didn't expect (hahahaha). We left by car and I left my bike at my friend's house (alone and sad, being cold, hahahahahahaha).



    On Sunday my friend arrived from a trip, and I went to pick up the bike and.... The rear tire was worse, it was not even keeping the air and I, being on the other side of the city, had to walk a lot. I called my brother-in-law to see if he could pick me up and he told me to walk a little bit to pick me up, I walked about 5 kilometers approximately (much less than the 13 kilometers I was going to ride, hahahaha).


    When I arrived to the parking lot of the apartment, I noticed that I had a nail inside the tire, I was between buying a new tube or patches to repair the old one. In the end I bought the patches that were cheaper. Fixing the tube has always been a challenge for me, in case I hit the patch wrong, or if after fixing it, it was not only a hole, but more.
    Luckily everything went well and the bike with only 1 patch was as good as new, although with some extra adjustments that I will tell you when I finish. That may be this week, although I have a little problem with the bike because of the time without maintenance, but I will tell you about that later.


    PD: don't be like me and don't go out if your bike loses air, fix it if you can and then ride it hahahahahaha,

    A Big Hug In The Distance, See You At The Top.



    .: E S P A Ñ O L .:.:. E S P A Ñ O L :.




    hola amigos, esta semana he estado full, tanto saliendo de mi casa como andando en la bici. El viernes pasado, me toco salir y pasaron cosas que hoy les voy a contar. El resto de la semana ha sido bastante agitada y bueno, entre esas cosas, está arreglar la bicicleta, pero primero la historia.


    El viernes que paso, me toco hacer una entrega algo alejado de mi casa, pero... había un problema. La llanta de atrás estaba medio buena, se le salía el aire cada X tiempo. Salí del apartamento con la llanta llena y como a los 5 kilómetros (donde hice la entrega) toco nuevamente llenarla (auxilie a otra persona que no tenía bomba de aire y yo pensando que al que iban a auxiliar era a mi jajajaja).

    Luego de eso, me fui a casa de un amigo para ayudarle con un problema con su computadora, lo resolví casi viendo por encima, moví una que otra cosa y listo (lo bueno de saber fallos de computadora). Paso un rato y llegaron otros amigos, me invitaron al gym y bueno... de una simple visita, termine en otro lugar, que no esperaba (jajajaja). Nos fuimos en carro y dejé mi bicicleta en casa de mi amigo (sola y triste, pasando frío, jajajajaj).


    El domingo mi amigo llego de un viaje, y fui a buscar la bici y... estaba más grave el caucho de atrás, ya ni mantenía el aire y yo, estando del otro lado de la ciudad, tenía que caminar muchísimo. Llame a mi cuñado para ver si me podía buscar y me dijo que caminara un poco para poder pasarme a buscar, camine unos 5 kilómetros aproximadamente (mucho menos de los 13 kilómetros que me iban a tocar, jajajaja).


    Al llegar al estacionamiento del apartamento, me fijé que tenía un clavo dentro de la llanta, estaba entre comprar la cámara nueva o parches para reparar la vieja. Al final compré los parches que me salían más económicos. El arreglar la cámara siempre se me ha hecho un reto, por si pego mal el parche, o por si después de arreglarlo, no solo era un agujero, sino más.


    Por suerte todo salió bien y la bicicleta con 1 solo parche quedo como nueva, aunque con algunos ajustes extras que les contaré cuando termine. Que posiblemente sea esta semana que entra, aunque tengo un pequeño problema con la bici por el tiempo sin hacerle mantenimiento, igual eso se los contaré más adelante.


    PD: no sean como yo y no salgan si su bicicleta pierde aire, arréglenla si pueden y luego a rodar jajajajaja,

    un gran abrazo en la distancia, nos vemos en la cima



    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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