in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Some years back, when I was in my early stage of being of a teenager, I didn’t really know how to cook because I had an elder sister who did all the jobs, infact I didn’t really know how to do any house chores because I had plenty of brothers who did all of those things for my younger sister and I.

    My dad back then didn’t allow us do anything, because we were his last pets, he would call my younger sister and I his younger wives, so all we did was to eat, change our clothes without having to wash anyone, my dad wouldn’t even let my mum allow us into the kitchen, my brothers would always get angry because they were the only ones sweeping, and cleaning and even washing of plates.

    (photo of my sister-in-law)

    When I was around, 16yrs of age I decided to start washing the plates, then I also started washing my clothes but I couldn’t cook, so fortunately I got into a private university and cooking wasn’t even allowed, so I was buying food anytime I wanted to eat, this made me spent alot though. So along the line I started going from school to my brothers place, and I also started living with him and his family, so most times my sister-in-law would ask me to cook, and it would definitely taste like what I didn’t even understand.

    Most times my brother wouldn’t even eat if I was the one that cooked, and most times even if he ate he would bad mouth food, I needed to sit up with my cooking, I said to myself, I am a woman I would definitely get married one and I would be the one to be cooking for my family, so I listened carefully to everything my brothers wife taught me, and now I can literally boast of cooking all the basic dishes all my self, from fried rice to jollof, to soups and stews, down to pepper soup..I am well good at it.

    photo is mine

    Funny part is that among every other chores, I find cooking really interesting and therapeutic, I love trying out new recipes and I also love food tasting.

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