Hello hivers, an happy Tuesday to you all!
Another warm sunny day here and now my plum tree looks like a cloud of white flowers! The Springtime is in the air and today I watched some bees came to my backyard after the winter. Sure, not just some bees, but also the birds looks happy for the weather and they fly around singing their beautiful songs.
I had a couple of busy days and yesterday, when I came back at home, I was too tired to work on a my paintings, but this morning I woke up soon as usual full of new energy and ready to work with my brushes and colors on my small working table close to the open window!
You can see the final result of the piece I finished just few minutes ago in the following pics:
As you can see, the subject is a blue bird with a long long tail between some leave in the shades of blue color.
It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and, like I use to do every time I paint a new artwork, I took some pics while I was painting it so you can see the process too:
Soon I'll add this new artwork to my Artfinder shop (link at the bottom), hoping it will find a new home where to be loved!
I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,
***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/), on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap) and on my Patreon page too (https://www.patreon.com/silviabeneforti). If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:
US (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9S4VLQK)
Italy (https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0C9S4VLQK)
Uk (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C9S4VLQK)
You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
^^ ****