in voilk •  3 days ago


    MCGI ZOOM MEETING FOR 25/06/2024


    Galatians:13, James 1:15, Isaiah 30:1, Roman 2:4, James 3:15, Roman 13:12, Ephesians 5:11, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, Hebrew 12:1, Roman 12:21 Galatians 6:9, 1 John 2:1, Ecclesiastes 7:20, 1 John 1:5

    Thank God for enriching my spirit with the word of God through Brother Eli, which teaches us as believers to be weary over doing what the word says as much as doing the right thing which is good. As the book of Galatians 6:9 lets us understand, we are mainly reaping all we sow, which should be the big reason while we have to do good at all times inasmuch as our good deeds are mainly to yield positive things.

    Hence, according to James 1:15, becoming a sinner and being in sin always start with the little things we have a desire for that are unchecked that is not God willing, so that is the reason we have to take every moment of our lives seriously, what we do and the action we take are all necessary, hence this is just to fight against spiritual downfall or delay, which tends to compromise our faith as such.

    So therefore, living a life filled without God's recognition is a big mistake that tends to compromise our faith, hence there is a need to depend on the alliance with God as Isaiah 40:1 illustrated, those who do things outside the will of God are not of God, so that is the reason we need to seek divine wisdom, which is the path of righteousness.

    So therefore, there is every need for us to understand the thought that God has for us, which is to lead us to repentance through his kindness and patience, hence as believers, it is our dear duty to make the difference by creating a pathway that excludes us from doing the wrong things through the grace of God, as the blood of Romans 2:4 lets us understand. So as believers, we ought to know that not actually all knowledge is of God, which is important for us to understand that they are not divine, hence true wisdom, which is from God, always has alignment with heavenly value, which makes the difference, as the book of James 3:15 said.

    So for my own interest, I really learned something important in the book Romans 13:12, where it speaks of fulfilling the divine promise that we ought to abandon the path that does not give God glory and focus on the things that enhance our spiritual well being through righteousness and living a life that is filled with integrity, Ephesians 5:11 reminds me that there is a need for us to distance ourselves from things that are not of the truth.

    So I learned that spiritual disciplines are very important in my life and that they surpass the physical realm, which entails how important they could be ever since they build us spiritually and strengthen us physically, and by adopting and doing them as they align with the word of God, they help us grow and make waves within ourselves and the people around us.

    Hence, as Christians who tend to remain in faith with God, there is a need to cast off things that tend to be a hindrance to spiritual life, and that is the reason we ought to be encouraged to remain righteous, as Hebrew 12:1 lets us understand, hence this verse is very important for myself and for every believer out there.

    Moral Facts..

    1 John 2:1 Remind us of recognizing the reason to strive for righteousness over avoiding sin that creates demarcation between us and God.

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 gives us insight into recognizing human imperfections, which enhances our relationship with God through seeking God's forgiveness, which delivers us and makes us outstanding for Christ.

    1 John 1:5 reminded us that when we strive for light, the chase of darkness in our lives indicates the act of being after the purity of our lives.

    ☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆



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