Amistades que no dejan de sorprenderte // Friendships that never cease to surprise you [Esp//Eng]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hola, saludos a todos en esta preciosa comunidad, deseo que se encuentren bien y esten pasando un lindo día.

    El pasado 12 de marzo, cumplí 34 años, ya que la fecha fue el martes no tenía en mente hacer una gran celebración, mi madre me llamo y me propuso ir a cenar con ella, mi hermano y mi cuñada (toditos nos saltamos la dieta jajaja). Pasamos un rato sumamente agradable, conversamos, nos reímos y nos pusimos al día con todas las cosas que habían acontecido recientemente. Particularmente no soy mucho de comer torta por lo que para mí no era relevante cantar cumpleaños, ya me sentia en gratitud por haber podido estar con mi familia y gozar de buena de salud.

    Hello, greetings to everyone in this beautiful community, I hope you are well and are having a nice day.

    Last March 12, I turned 34 years old, since the date was on Tuesday I did not have in mind to make a big celebration, my mother called me and proposed me to go to dinner with her, my brother and my sister-in-law (we all skipped the diet hahaha). We had a great time, we talked, laughed and caught up on all the things that had happened recently. I'm not much of a cake eater so for me it was not relevant to sing birthdays, I was already feeling grateful for having been able to be with my family and enjoy good health.

    Pink Brown Happy Birthday Instragram Post_20240317_173143_0000.png


    Ese día recibí muchas felicitaciones, hasta de personas que no me lo esperaba, mis amigos me preguntaron que tenía pensado para festejar y a todos les dije que nada; la razón es que justo esa misma semana mi hijo tenía las fotos de su promoción, debia abonar parte del paquete, necesitaba cortarle el cabello, comprarle una franela que se les mando a estampar a todos los niños y económicamente no estaba para realizar una fiesta, aunado a todo eso se me daño el aire acondicionado del cuarto, en pocas palabras habían bastantes gastos.

    That day I received many congratulations, even from people I did not expect, my friends asked me what I had in mind to celebrate and I told them all nothing; the reason is that just that same week my son had the pictures of his promotion, I had to pay part of the package, I needed to cut his hair, buy him a flannel that was sent to print all the children and economically I was not able to have a party, in addition to all that I damaged the air conditioning in the room, in short there were quite a few expenses.


    Pasaron los días y cada quien inmerso en sus responsabilidades, mis amigos y yo nos mantenemos en contacto via telefónica (algunos mas que otros) hasta que el sábado me llama la esposa de mi primo para comunicarme que me arregle para esa noche porque nos íbamos a ir a un sitio a celebrar mi cumpleaños, al principio lo tome a broma pero luego me indicó muy seria que estuviera lista a las 8:30 pm y que podríamos llevar a los niños; asi fue a esa hora ya estuve lista con mi hijo a pesar de que se habia ido la luz, mi mayor temor era salir maquillada como una payasita jajaja pero se logro el cometido.

    The days passed and everyone immersed in their responsibilities, my friends and I kept in touch via telephone (some more than others) until Saturday when my cousin's wife called me to tell me to get ready for that night because we were going to go to a place to celebrate my birthday, at first I took it as a joke but then she told me very seriously to be ready at 8:30 pm and that we could take the children: 30 pm and that we could take the children, so it was at that time and I was ready with my son even though the light had gone out, my biggest fear was to go out made up like a clown hahaha but the task was achieved.



    Llegamos a un bar - restaurant llamado "D' La Costa", en el sitio esta un pequeño parque disponible por tiempo ilimitado para que los niños jueguen, los adultos pedimos unas cervezas y nos sentamos a escuchar la musica en vivo, al poco rato llego otra amiga con el esposo con una torta, quede totalmente sorprendida, pense que solo iria con mi primo, su esposa y su hija pero ellos tenían otros planes, luego como a la media hora llego otra amiga junto con una muchacha que casualmente cumplia años ese dia y quiso estar para las dos, yo no podia sentirme mas dichosa de que todas se pusieran de acuerdo en hacerme esa tremenda sorpresa.

    We arrived to a bar - restaurant called "D' La Costa", in the place there is a small park available for unlimited time for the children to play, the adults ordered some beers and we sat down to listen to live music, soon after another friend arrived with her husband with a cake, I was totally surprised, I thought I would only go with my cousin, his wife and daughter but they had other plans, then about half an hour later another friend arrived along with a girl who happened to have a birthday that day and wanted to be there for both of them, I could not feel more happy that they all agreed to make me that tremendous surprise.






    Me estuvieron contando como se organizaron para poder elegir el sitio a donde ir, a quien le pedían la torta, de que sabor sería y que todo fuese acorde a mi gusto, definitivamente me conocen muy bien porque todo me encanto. Hacia mucho que no salía hasta la madrugada sin que me diera sueño por lo entretenida que estaba, y bailamos, cantamos, hablamos un montón y porsupuesto no faltaron las risas, me dolían los cachetes el abdomen de tanto reírme; puedo decir con toda propiedad que tuve un cumpleaños feliz y todo esto gracias a mis amistades y familiares que a través de sus acciones me demuestran su amor. No puedo sentirme mas dichosa de tenerlos y quise compartir esta alegría con ustedes.

    Gracias por leerme ❤️

    They were telling me how they were organized to choose the place to go, who they asked for the cake, what flavor it would be and that everything was according to my taste, they definitely know me very well because I loved everything. It had been a long time since I had been out until the wee hours of the morning without getting sleepy because of how entertained I was, and we danced, sang, talked a lot and of course there was no lack of laughter, my cheeks hurt my abdomen from laughing so much; I can say with all propriety that I had a happy birthday and all this thanks to my friends and family that through their actions show me their love. I can't feel more blessed to have them and I wanted to share this joy with you.

    Thank you for reading me ❤️



    Fotos tomadas por mi, portada realizada en Canva y collage en Picsart.

    Photos taken by me, cover made in Canva and collage in Picsart.

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