Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1230)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    Sleeping the day away, Too much to figure out, Mopping the cabin & A short entry on a dull day!

    Alright, I am running twenty-eight minutes behind schedule this evening... but at least it is not over four hours behind like yesterday. I probably should have simply postponed that entry until now... but I figured (as the old saying goes) better late than never.

    Last night I did wind up being awake until after five in the morning though (thanks to oversleeping during that nap) and once I finally fell asleep... I was out like a light. Although I awoke again a few hours later (and piddled around online doing my Hive engagement routine) I wound up going back to sleep in short order.

    That last bit is pretty much how my whole day went... because every time that I woke up... I went back to sleep again. A few times I even managed to stay up for an hour or two before drifting off again... but I did not feel even remotely motivated to do anything.

    It was probably the dullest birthday that I have ever had... and I did not even bother to play any music, have a fire or do any of the stuff that I generally do to celebrate my birthday. Maybe if I had stayed on track with my sleeping routine I would have done something different today... but overall I was not really 'feeling' the birthday thing this year.

    Honestly, I just have too much on my mind... too much stuff to figure out about the packing, the move and the new place to boot... and sleeping the day away seemed like the best way to escape dwelling on it all. I am also incredibly stressed over the financial hurtles ahead... and having to order all that new gear really drained my coffers... which of course just made me stress even more over that aspect of things.

    Very late in the day, I wound up having to swap out the bedding for my elder dog again... but thankfully this time I did not have to change out the rug which is good because the other rug is still dirty. Of course I also had to mop up the entire area... but this time I just used some cold water and bleach instead of the hot water and 'pine-sol' that I have been using.

    Anyways, the weather is supposed to me nice over the coming days... so hopefully I will be able to get a lot done with all the packing. Having made a small dent in the attic yesterday was a good feeling... but I really should get more done up there while the cooler temperatures last.

    Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

    The greenery is returning quickly!

    Thanks for reading!

    Please check out the Homesteading Community!

    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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