Life beyond form

in voilk •  25 days ago

    Image Haut.png


    Dear friends of the HIVE community,

    Today, I'd like to talk to you about a deep and universal subject: death. Yes, I know, it's not the happiest subject, but it's an integral part of life, and it's important to tackle it without taboos.

    Death is the great unknown that awaits us all, sooner or later. It's an inevitable end, a leap into the unknown. We live our lives, accumulate experiences and possessions, build a reputation, and then one day it all comes to an end. We leap into the void, and 80 years later, on average, we crash to the ground. It's a powerful image, but it illustrates the finitude of our existence.

    However, death is not limited to the end of our physical life. It can also manifest itself in other forms, such as loss. The loss of material objects, of social status, of reputation, or even the loss of a part of yourself. Imagine everything you've built collapsing, whether it's your business, your home, or your name that was once synonymous with honesty and is now sullied by unfounded accusations. These are all forms of death, because they represent the dissolution of something we've built or that's part of our identity.

    Death is therefore omnipresent, whether in its physical or metaphorical form. Our civilization does its utmost to conceal death and everything associated with it. The bodies of the deceased are quickly hidden away, the elderly are often isolated, and we live as if death didn't exist. It's as if our collective ego feels threatened by the mere idea of death, and we'd rather ignore it than face it.

    But in doing so, we deprive ourselves of an essential part of life. For death and life are inseparable, two sides of the same coin. Death is not the opposite of life, but simply the opposite of birth. And by recognizing this, we can begin to see death in a different way, with less stress and less fear.

    Every time a form dissolves, crumbles and disappears, it reveals what lies behind: the informal, the divine, the very essence of life. Perhaps our goal in this existence is to become transparent to the informal, to recognize that behind all forms lies something greater, something deeper. We're here to witness this, to realize that life is much more than what we see on the surface.

    So the next time you face loss, change, or even death itself, remember that behind it all lies an opportunity to see beyond the forms, to touch the very essence of existence.

    Thank you for taking the time to read these reflections. I hope it has offered you a different perspective on death and life. We'll be back soon to explore other exciting topics!

    See you soon.



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