Battle Mage Challenge: Fire & Regret. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Fire & Regret rule.

    Splinterlands tells us the following about the Fire & Regret rule:

    All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.
        Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
        Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
        The Amplify ability increases damage.


    Incompatible Rules

    Fire & Regret is incompatible with Up Close & Personal, Broken Arrows and Wands Out.


    Desirable Abilities

    ( Amplify, Reflection Shield, Void, Magic Reflect )

    Amplify is always nice to include in the reflection rulesets, since if the opponent ignores the rule they will be even more punished. Since this rule discourages use of ranged attackers, it is likely that they will use more magic attackers instead. Therefore Void and Magic Reflect are useful abilities here. Finally, if you want to use ranged attackers, you should look for those with Reflection Shield so that you don't take damage back. Reflection Shield has a secondary purpose aswell, since it is more likely than usual that the opponent with play Thorns or Magic Reflect.


    Desirable Monsters


    My Battle : Fire & Regret battle

    Battle configuration
    LeagueWild Diamond league.
    RulesHeavy Hitters, Fire & Regret, Aim True
    SplintersDeath, Dragon, Earth, Life

    My Lineup

    Opponent's Lineup


    Battle progress and Result

    In Round 1, I have the speed advantage, and my Regal Peryton, Runemancer Florre and Mycelic Slipspawn attack the Terraceus Hulk. Runemancer Florre takes a little bit of return damage due to Return Fire, but she has armor to absorb it. Since I played Immortalis, the first hit destroys the armor due to Shatter, and then the ranged attack can have its full effect. Next, the Sneak attackers my opponent has make their attacks. They take down the Slipspawn and Katrelba gets a Bloodlust stack. Then my Queen Mycelia kills the Terraceus hulk, who is Ressurected by Oshuur. That doesn't help much however, because Shatter will make sure that it still dies by my two next attacks.


    In round two, Regal Peryton kills Terraceus Hulk, and then Katrelba deals a lot of damage to my Runemancer Florre. Then its Florre's turn, and she kills Arkemis the Bear. Afterwards, Dhampir Infiltrator gets the return kill on Florre. The attack order works to my advantage though, and I have enough remaining attackers to bring Thane Newsong down to 1 health before the next round starts.


    In round 3, Regal Peryton kills Thane, and then Katrelba kills Goblin Phychic to get another Bloodlust stack. Then Dhampir Infiltrator attacks Mycelic Infantry, but doesn't deal much damage to it. Mycelic Infantry however, is enraged, and deals a huge blow back and kills the Dhampir.


    In round 3, Katralba gets taken down to 1 health, but is healed back up by Oshuur. Together, they take down the Infantry, but it is Oshuur that gets the killing blow.


    Fortunately, my damage is enough to kill Katrelba at the beginning of round 5. It still takes another two rounds to bring down Oshuur, but eventually I secure the victory!


    Alternative lineups

    Lorna Shine


    Prunda Underwelsch


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