Solar Maximum continues

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    Solar Maximum continues


    We had a season of record solar storms, impressive G5, but now our star is calm, although we must not forget that we are still at the maximum, maximum of a cycle that lasts 11 years and that is also calculated to supposedly end around the fall of This year, the sun may also have its margins of greater or lesser intensity, the most notable thing is that the giant sunspot AR 3664, the sunspot that gave us that superstorm of May 10, is returning from the visible side of the Sun.

    The Sun takes on average about 20 days to complete a rotation, 27 Earth days, the Spot returns, but luckily it is no longer the giant it was, it has been decomposing although on May 27 it emitted this flare in the image, we are seeing what What is happening behind the sun, that flash is what comes out from behind the sun, if we were seeing it in the foreground it would be something spectacular, it is a class x2.8 flare.


    The x are the most powerful and now the stain is sizzling, it is also still active, although it is more diluted, and it continues to release class m flares, which is the second division, they are the category lower than the x, which does not mean that they do not cause problems also, so in the coming days this stain, although weakened, can still literally give us quite a few headaches and not only to technicians and specialists in space technology and all electronic technology.

    Literally because you already know that there are recent investigations that are trying to know if there is any relationship between human health and solar storms, the issue is still very green and is under investigation, it is a serious issue, I believe that this issue must be investigated and investigate it thoroughly, but at the moment I already say that nothing specific can be confirmed.


    That previous flash was also captured by an amateur astronomer Michael Karrer, it is amazing, you can perfectly see the coronal mass injection, that is what it released, a flare is that injection is a cloud of hot and energetic plasma that is launched into space and when it hits the earth's magnetic field it triggers solar storms or geomagnetic storms, look at the size, there is no data on the length of that filament but we know that the sun is almost 1,400,000 km in diameter, so I am sure that this filament must be more than 100,000 km.

    Luckily the Earth is about 150 million kilometers from the Sun and these filaments dissipate with distance, but this is not an example because it must be put in quotes every time a discovery of an exoplanet is announced in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star, we have found quite a few of those because if the star is small, the red dwarfs are small and it is easier to discover the exoplanets that pass in front of it.


    These red dwarf stars are smaller and cooler than the sun so the habitable zone, the problem they have is that their habitable zone is that it is very close to their star and therefore the planets that are in it, In that habitable zone they receive enough energy to have a pleasant temperature, yes, but they also receive fully the lashes of plasma that these stars like the one you are seeing spit out and the sun is a star that is quite stable, it does not have the problems that many red dwarfs have that are unstable.

    An example is Proxima Centauri, the closest star to us has a planet that is rocky. In fact, it is just a little larger than Earth and is in the habitable zone of its star. It would be an ideal planet to search for life on, but It is only 7 million kilometers from the star, since the star is colder, the habitable area has to be much closer to it and being so close it receives the whiplashes and all these choices of coronal mass that its star expels, which to make matters worse is a blazing star, which means that it suffers from comrades much more powerful than those suffered by the sun.

    So this poor planet that we have discovered around next centauri will surely lack an atmosphere, it will have been torn away by billions of years of coronal mass elections and flares from its star unless it has a powerful magnetic field, because the research on this world and others that could exist in the system of the three stars of Alpha Centauri is not closed, in fact it has only just begun and the other two stars that are furthest from this red lullaby are stars similar to the sun and quite stable, in fact they calculated a few years ago that they are even more stable than our sun.

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