My Visit to Jevinik

in voilk •  last month

    I had a meeting with one of my former supervisor at where I used to work and he mentioned having to be so full and needed a break, cause the food he ate was just plenty and over whelming, In the course of our meeting he offered to give me a slot to try out their food and see how it goes.


    well I was a bit persistent and dragged on and on about it and how the fod might not be so good, but then he handed me a voucher, and he got me a pass from his new company for me to get a Jevinik launch, so I got in boyyyy the restaurant was magnificent gorgeous and quite pleasing to the eyes you could think you were invited to a soiree by a royal family and you got to use one of their very lavish dinning room as the place set for guest to eat


    it's a shame I couldn't take pictures of the interior but if by chance I get to visit them again ( which I won't) I would surely take pictures. Now let's skip to the part where every natural individual who is excited about a solo date would love , the food part, well that's one of the reasons I might not go back there.



    Well the menu was quite beautiful, looked like a proper menu and had all the designs that came with it, The colors, looked exquisite and i couldn't help but notice that their theme cool but orange and black after sitting for a while decided to pick the menu and look at it to decide something nice well when I visit a good place like that, I preferred trying something less complicated but new, and what better way than a glance through the menu, now here's the funny part more than half of the things on the menu were not available to customers in fact the waiter had to dictate what was available and then I had had to make a mental selection and imagined every thing he mentioned and put them together I didn't know those silly funny skits about what you want until I experienced it myself
    He mentioned what was on the menu, and told me there was a special delicacy of the day well due to unexpected thing from the special menu, I had to go with something different well what was on the special menu was a popular native soup, called fisherman soup and I decided against it why? Did I hear you ask why? I said no well because I knew about the soup and due to how we already started out on a wrong foot I didn't want to start having issues about the kind of ingredients and specialties used for the said soup.
    so I went for okra soup made with mushrooms but then I was asked one question to another.

    WAITER: What type of Protein would you like to have ma
    ME: meat please
    WAITER: what type please pork ,beef or goat meat
    ME:(Sighs a little ) goat meat please
    WAITER: in larger portion or smaller pieces
    ME :(Mumble some words) a very considerate size sir
    WAITER: are you paying cash, voucher or transfer. And also what brand of bottle water do you need?
    ME: I'll do a mobile transfer and I’d like C-way bottle water.
    WAITER: Room Temperature or Iced Cooled.
    ME: (For goodness sake , sigh) Cold Water

    I was so tired of the questions , I truly wanted to just eat and be satisfied.

    They first brought in the bottle water and then a small bowl of salad ,while I waited for my meal. They made it look free but I am very sure I paid for it. I was given the bill which was cleared using my voucher of course. In no time my meal came forward and I started to dig in or did I forget to add that he asked me what kind of swallow . I wanted I chose garri. The food didn’t taste good and it wasn’t bad either.



    For a minute I thought the okra soup tasted a bit off , I thought it was just in between. I saw a beautiful environment and I was almost deceived, and my decision making skills helped me escape a terrible meal.
    Well it was great after all I was happy and decided that I wouldn’t be disappointed. All the same I just wished that they do better on there Menu. Jevinik is quite overrated .




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