Vibes.- web3 music competición week 1/ the CICADA cover @mayifiestas

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Hello wonderful people of #hive, welcome everyone once again to my blog, today I am more than happy for two very important reasons, first because I am returning to singing after a year and some months without doing it, for personal and sentimental reasons, for those who do not know we suffered the loss of two relatives in less than two months, which marked in me, a hard time that internally did not allow me to sing, not even in the choir to which I belong for many years, but today I return to singing, repowered and with the spirit to million.

    And secondly because I am joining this initiative that is super incredible, when I heard about it I felt very happy, because I am a person who loves art in all its expressions and singing is one of them, but more than singing I must say that I thought it was an incredibly great idea that singers and musicians were taken into account in this ecosystem, as I remember when #hive started we were many who did it singing and their participation was valued, after a while this was declining and caused many to leave the blockchain and those who followed did so in other areas.

    I am really excited to talk about massification of the ecosystem, since for more than a year we have been working towards it, with the #lacasitahive project, who are dedicated to give introductory talks to the ecosystem in different places in the city of Cumana, State of Sucre-Venezuela, and although we had scheduled more talks throughout the state we had to decline the invitations because we did not have the resources to cover these trips and thus continue adding hivers in the rest of the state of Sucre-Venezuela.

    Yet we do not rest and continue adding users to the ecosystem, and through our telegram account: lacasitahive, we guide new and not so new users, and help them to clarify doubts, especially to users who are just starting in our blockchain, we continue with the work of ant, taking #hive to the network of hivers in our state, so in a way we can link our users to hive.

    As for my participation came today with a topic titled: La cigarra, by Lola Beltran, a Mexican singer with a very wide vocal register, so it implies a personal challenge since I like it very much and I could not miss the opportunity to bring it to this competition, I sincerely hope you like it, believe me when I tell you that I enjoyed coming back to singing, in fact I felt quite nervous, so sure you will see much more of me, and as for the massification we continue working with our limited resources but adding little by little users who love this ecosystem as much as I love it, greetings see you in the next one.

    Song Lyrics

    hive  (13).gif


    You no longer sing to me cicada that I finish your sonsonete that your song here in the soul, like a dagger gets me, knowing that when you sing proclaiming you go your death.

    Sailor, sailor, tell me if it is true that you know because I can not distinguish
    if at the bottom of the seas
    there is another color blacker
    the color of my sorrows
    Ay laraiiiiiiii Ay lara laaaaaaaaaa Ay lara Yyy there is no other color blacker than the color of my sorrows.

    A little pigeon flying with a wounded breast, almost to arrive, told me very distressed, I'm tired of looking for a requited love.

    Under the shade of a tree and to the beat of my guitar I sing this huapango cheerfully, because life is ending and I want to die singing how the cicada dies Aylaraiiiiii Aylaralaaaaaaaaaaaa Aylaralayyyyyyy and I want to die singing how the cicada dies...



    For this post I used Video maker and cap cut to edit the video, which was recorded with my Xiaomi redmi 9T phone and used Deepl translator.

    The images in the video were created with the bing program.


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