After Liberating Nolan's Fly Shop and Clearing their Basement, I fell for a Drug Trap.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    After burning the drug farms down the other day, I liberated a place called Nolan's Fly Shop and I had to clear their basement where a lot of drugged peoples were staying who were being called angels, I don't know why. And then I fell in a drug trap of Faith when I tried to liberate an innocent lady and I'm going to go through those parts in this post.

    So, first I went to the mountain peak to change the chopper as mine was a little damaged and I found a cultist was torturing the man there whom I liberated once before so I liberated once again.

    And we left the place riding the chopper and this time I became the passenger giving my lady fighter companion access to the drivers seat. I was suggesting the pilot where she should fly the chopper and I kept shooting all the cultists I was noticing below but after a while, our chopper was destroyed and I died there.

    Then I flew to Hope County Jail to get the special armed chopper so I can give those cultists hell who were shooting me down a moment ago.

    After punishing some cultists on my way, I suddenly noticed a cultist chopper and I was behind it so I easily took it down firing some missiles though a single missile should've done the trick.

    Then after shooting down some cultists who were occupying a land of some one to plant their drugs, I took down a lot of cultists on the roads and on the river and then I noticed these two civilians needed my help and I liberated them after killing the cultists who were about to kill them a moment later.

    Then I noticed this place was full of armed cultists so I started firing them using the chopper when they were firing at me as well and after fighting for sometimes, I liberated the place and this is Nolan's Fly Shop.

    It looked like the workers were also occupied along with the place and they started working with a good speed right after I liberated them. My job is to liberate all these parts throughout the map and then take on the big peoples.

    There was an armed lady who asked for my help about clearing the basement as it looked like the Peggies kept a bunch of angels locked in there and when I walked below the basement, I found the angels.

    I don't know why these mad peoples were called angels there and I didn't need to know. All I had to do was keep shooting them and there were a bunch of them. Fortunately, my companion fighter followed me there otherwise it'd be real hard for me to take down all those drugged peoples alone.

    I checked the basement and found it to be a lab o the drugs where they used to nurture and pack the drugs to distribute in bulk. Well, I cleared the basement and then I left the place in the hand of its workers.


    Then I noticed this lady was being tortured by a cultist on the other side of the river so I shot down the cultist using with a single shot which was a fantastic headshot and then I drove a boat to liberated the lady. But as soon as I tried liberating her, she became a cougar and everything turned white.

    It looked like I was in the hallucination again where Faith welcomed me to the bliss and all I saw was a big tree among some dead trees in a place full of the drug plants. Faith was saying that I was invited into their home, into their path.

    And she took me to Joseph Seed who was manipulating some other peoples there though all of these were just in the hallucination and nothing of them were real.

    Joseph came towards me when he was continuously saying what he was saying a moment ago to the others which was about keeping their New Eden safe.

    He had some good points about the world we've build for our children where communities has being torn apart and walls being erected because leaders are too impotent to act and he was saying that he was not chosen for this.


    And the next scene was were in a totally different place, a totally different atmosphere which showed the destruction of mankind where Joseph was saying everything is coming to an end which I can feel. He was proposing me to join him and save the world with him.

    And I found my character was about to die in the next frame where the Sheriff looked so worried cause my character was about to lose his mind in this drug effect. They hardly saved him injecting an adrenaline and the rook came out of the drug effects.

    How about we continue in another post?

    Thanks for reading my post.

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