SIFU Is Not You're Average Arena Fighter! (Expected Less, Got More! So Much More!)

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

    Jumping Into Sifu!

    Guys and gals! I found the coolest fighting game ever! This game is absolutely fire! Rather it is in my opinion! I can already see the critics jumping on it saying crap about it! But hear me out with this one!

    I've never played a fighting game where I had to complete some sort of story line and even where I had choice over the matter to what happens next! Never ever! The fact that this game has a story line makes it twenty times better for me!

    Loving every second of it so far!

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    A Great Intro!

    Games nowadays struggle to integrate a nice learning curve while also starting to enjoy the game! Those who try rarely succeed! The tutorial (Which most people always skip) didn't feel like a hassle at all, I started the game and there I was pounding away at the skulls of my opponents all the while learning the buttons!

    Epic stuff! Literally, I got this on Epic games for free!

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    From Nothing To Everything!

    As I said I am absolutely surprised by this game! I didn't think it would have anything related to a story line! The thoughts that popped up was basically me picking the place to fight and I'd get a few eaves of bots to fight and I'll be out!
    It's nothing like that!

    So after defeating my first opponent in the tutorial I was now ready to face seven of them! Highly trained and battle hardened fighters! But I have an idea that I am some main character! Of-course I'm not saying my fighting wont be clunky but without further adue let's wreck them!

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    The Movements!

    Yes okay it's a little bit of a clunky game when it boils down to switching angles during the fights! It really is, almost as if it cuts to the next scene and doesn't always integrate smoothly into the fighting style but with that I can live! That is not so bad, might be a little disorientating at times though! Maybe I'll get hit more in that case!

    What I do like is that the camera sort of focuses on the guy your beating up and when you're fast enough you can do a special movement and knock them the hell out or just have a special movement going on there! Very well done if you ask me!
    The integration on those are quite well done!

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    And Yes They Sucker Punch!

    Of-course that should be part of the game! That means I have to be on my toes in every fight because getting slammed from the side isn't exactly the way we want to go right!

    All these small but stupid elements to the game is what makes it so much more fun! SO much more!

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    Check this out! The first engagement is the teacher I'm putting down and the fight after that shows how they can sucker punch you from the side! I thought to add both because it smoothes in pretty well!

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    Left With Decisions!

    That's what I like about this one! Okay before I dive too deep on that topic I have to say I'm not completely sure I'd have to replay the first part and pick the other option to really know what's going to happen!

    I stumbled onto this character that was busy beating up someone and it appeared as if he was on my side! But I wasn't sure so I went in to face him!

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    I was given the same option as I was given with the first group I encountered, I chose the opposite option and I was allowed to simply pass the fighter, he just let me be!

    As I said I felt friendly vibes! On we go!

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    This is fun, the fact that I can move freely about the temple is a whack thing, you don't get that in arena fighting style games! Not at all heck not even sure if the rest of the game is this good but I hope it has some good play time!

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    Higher Skilled Opponents!

    This is another plus point for me! The opponents I met earlier... well they felt a little dissapointing but I get that I had to learn how to fight right?

    So I ran into these two guys who showed me that the fighting does get harder as I move further! A good thing because I like them hard fights! However they were still no match even though they were a better match! For now we take what we get!

    Let's beat these slums that want to fight with bottles!

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    It's A Little Brutal!

    Yeahp it's nice and brutal for those that appetite in that!
    I love it! The fact that you smash their heads against objectives, you kick them through the face! It looks like you break limbs and all that! Nah this isn't just the average hit and kick game!

    They added an element of fun to the game that I just can't describe! Sure it's not highly detailed graphics and what not but this is something we would see on a mobile phone within the next 10 years! Can't wait for that!

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    Met The Match!

    It was at this point where I realized that this game has a story line and I was thrown into the deep side of it! Oh it's going to be a fun one!

    I was thrown against this opponent and his name is Sifu, so this might be the biggest and baddest boss or just where I got whatever I start the game with since the game is named Sifu!

    Epic stuff and epic characters! Yeahp! The fact that we are a bunch of ninja's challenging an old man is epic!

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    The fact that they added the other characters joining me on the same mission is wild! It means that I have validity in what I am doing!

    That also means I want more of this story! How did it all come to be and what the heck is going on! This is something I haven't experienced in gaming in a long long long time! Seriously games have gotten stale and this I thought would also be a stale one!

    Not at all!

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    Facing The Master!

    So there I was fighting the final opponent! I thought it peeked when I met him!

    This was a hard and long fight and even more brutal than the previous ones! At some point I knocked out the guy but I think I actually killed him, pretty sure I did! Knock his heart out of rhythm! Must have!

    But what came after was even more shocking!

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    Keep in mind this fight lasted for almost half the episode! EPIC RIGHT!

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    A Boy?

    And out came a child! After the big boss fight and the claiming of the prize it was revealed that a kid hid in one of the cubboards!

    He was asked to show himself and this is where the plot twists into something dramatic! Ah I love how they keep you at the edge of your seat! EPIC!

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    This posed to be a big problem, now there is a witness to something right? Someone that can identify a name and point to a face!

    Or so they would have you believe! A better ending to an already great intro I could not ask for! They just provided it! When last? When last was I kept at the edge of my seat in a game!

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    Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

    To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

    If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

    Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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