Punctuality a Determining Factor To Success

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Punctuality is not to be done occasionally, but has to be cultivated as a lifestle, because it is one of the essential tools for efficiency and Effectiveness, through punctuality some goals will be accomplished with ease and it is a bedrock for sustaining success. Time is valuable, so understanding the value of time, enables us to maximize it effectively leading to a successful living.

    Punctuality reduces the likelihood of stress and burnout. It aids in the effective flow of work among people, it also allows a better planning and allocation of resources, preventing last-minute rushes and the negative impact on work-life of people.
    Punctuality reveals true commitment, trust and efficiency, punctuality is the stepping stone towards discipline, sincerity and responsibility, it is evident that Punctuality is one of the key aspects in attaining success, Punctuality has a greater benefit to us in all aspects of our lives. It helps us build and shape our lives, leading to a positive impression in the society. Time wasted cannot be retrieved
    An interesting story of a young lady was told, who loses a great opportunity due to lateness and extravagant living.

    Emily a beautiful young lady, seeking for an employment in an oil and gas company, with the help of her uncle who was the manager, a slot was reserved for her. The date for the interview was slated to be 9:00a.m, and due to her extravagant lifestyle she arrived very late, and lateness would not be tolerated, on her arrival the board had finished the interview and they were at the verge of picking the best, she barged into the hall. The uncle seeing her dragged her out, trying to explain the reason for the lateness, her uncle broke the news to her that the slot had been given to another. She wept bitterly begging for an opportunity, but nothing could be done, she returned home sorrowfully.

    Punctuality leads to a happy mind, which is a key to happiness and having a healthy mind. It also brings about comfort at our duty post, it also brings positivity in our minds because it helps to plan ahead and execute all the lay down plans set for each day.
    Punctuality is one of the bedrock for efficiency, effectiveness and success.

    Thank you for reading
    I'm still @pricelessudy

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