How to Use Ecency (Front-End of Hive)?

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I have wrote about Ecency in 10 different parts.
    Today I am going to merge them all in a single post.

    Here we go

    This is the main page's look, after opening Ecency Application you'll see this type of interface, as I mentioned above I'll go with each feature/button and write about in details, so you can get it easily in this way.

    After Clicking on ➕ you'll see this 👇 with the help of this you can add any of two in your main page of Ecency (fully under control)

    There are five different buttons as you can see and it is in your own hands what 3 main buttons you want to add in your Main page.


    You can see all of your friend's posts here under this button.


    Here you can see the most rewarded posts under this button.


    Under this button you'll get all new buttons.


    Which communities you have joined, you'll see all of the top trended posts under this button.


    Here you can find the top posts of the day/week or possibly the posts which earns most.

    Buttons at Bottom

    Buttons of main page here you can see them on the bottom of your main page.

    Main Page

    If you want to be on main page and want to read posts/blogs this button will help you to stay there.


    In last update of Ecency they added waves button, with using this button you can write short posts and it helps you to get engaged with others.

    Edit Button

    This button helps you to write blog/post on @ecency, as it is clear with the name of button tho 😅

    Ecency Build Wallet

    All of your earned rewards from your posts will appear here and you can see all of your rewards, including different Tokens and Ecency Points.

    Notification Bar

    In case of any new notification, you'll be able to see them here under this button.

    Upper Buttons

    Right after getting in, you'll see this type of buttons on upper top of your Ecency App, what they are we'll learn in today's session 😄

    1. Profile Button
    2. QR Code
    3. Search Bar
    4. Pearks (7/30/90 Day Promotion)

    Profile Button

    By Going to this button you'll able to see all of your options which required for any change.

    QR code

    If you're a user of @ecency, using with browser version and looking to buy anything with using Ecency you have to scan this Code via your browser.

    Search Bar

    Are you looking to search for any community or any person? You can search with using this searching bar.


    Looking to get Boost + (came in latest update), or promotion of any of your post with using Ecency Points, you have to go to this button.

    7 Day Promotion

    30 Day Promotion

    90 Day Promotion


    You have seen a button on left sided upper corner, by tapping that you'll be able to see all of these buttons, and we'll discuss about all of them tho.

    By tapping of three dots which are on right side, you'll see a page like this, by which you can add any other account, it is highly recommended to use just one account.


    You can Update you profile, can add or remove anything like as your profile photo or cover photo, your name or Bio, Location or your website link.


    If you added any post/blog in bookmarks to read later, that post/blog will appear here in this section.


    Once you add a person or post/blog into favourites, you can see full list here whenever you want to update your list.


    Sometimes you get any other work during writing a blog/post, you easily can add that into Drafts and you'll be able to edit that in future or whenever you get enough time to write your post/blog.


    You're a punctual and always post on same time, here you can add your written post/blog and set a time to publish. Simple and very unique feature.


    Every single community will appear here no matters you have joined or not.

    QR Scan

    We already discussed about QR code this button is same to that, same function of this button tho.

    Refer & Earn

    You might be happy after knowing that you'll earn @ecency points by referring anyone.


    Simple button to understand 😉, you can change your Ecency settings here.


    By tapping on this button you'll be logged out from your account, that may be the cause of your account loss if you haven't save your keys, recommend to save your Keys before doing log out.


    After entering the Notification Bar you'll see this type of interface where you can see these other buttons, What they are? Wha is there usage? Let's talk about them


    First Button where you will be able to see all of your notifications including reply, mention, upvote, downvote, new follower, people who ignored you etc.


    If you just want to see replies which you get on your post/blog or comment, you can see them here.


    If you just want to see mentions which you get on your post/blog or comment, you can see them here.

    Clear All

    By tapping this all of your notifications will get read and.


    What Leaderboard is?, How you can check your standing?

    Here is the main Icon button of leaderboard you can see this button in your notification bar. Now what we will see inside of it? Let's go forward

    Daily Leaderboard

    Under this button you can check your Daily ranking on Leaderboard.
    If you're using @ecency on daily basis you can find yourself on this leaderboard among top 10 or whatever your standing is in daily Rankings 😄. By being active and keeping use of Ecency you will be awarded with many things from the team of Ecency.

    Weekly Leaderboard

    By keeping yourself busy on Ecency you can get Ecency Points and Hive on weekly basis, top 10 users get awarded by the team of @ecency, this is really Great to encourage newbies to use Ecency and I am referring every new person to use itf if you want to learn with an earn.

    Monthly Leaderboard

    Same as daily and weekly rankings leaderboard, you can be in top 10 or 5 or even among top 3, the only way is to keep using Ecency to make Posts/blogs, commenting on others posts/blogs even if you want to Upvote to anyone. Simple but unique feature.

    Ecency Points

    You can earn Ecency points by being in top10 in leaderboard.

    Don't you know the usage of Ecency points?

    Ecency Points

    While keeping yourself busy and active on hive with using Ecency you'll earn Ecency Points, by which you can do these 3 things & it is what I like the most on Ecency.

    Here you can see three different options

    • Gift
    • Promotion
    • Booster


    By using this you can send Ecency points to anyone, I'll send 3 of you randomly who will comment under this post 100 for each ;)


    (When I joined this platform at first I wasn't aware about these settings, by with the time I have learnt many things and still learning many more) By using this option you can promote any of your post even a post from your friend or someone else's post, which you want to get attractions.

    Boost+ (Added in recent Update)

    This is the main reason for me to use Ecency, I can boost my HP at 200hp for a week, month or for 90 days (depends on Ecency points). I have used this option several times, It helps me to boost my VP, which helps me to give much higer Vote, by which I can get curation reward ;)

    Ecency Build Wallet

    If you are new On hive and don't know much about Hive Keychain wallet, no need worry Ecency have it's own wallet in which you can manage all of your assists like as, Hive, HBD or any other token in just few clicks, I'll show you how you can do that by using Ecency, but before heading towards the main topic let me clear one thing, Wallet in Ecency Application is very slow in terms of processing and I use (website) whenever I have any work with wallet like as Staking, Unstaking, Delegation or any transfer etc.

    So if you are looking for smooth and fast wallet you should go for website which is super fast in every kind of transfer or anything you want to do with your assists it'll help you to save your time ;)

    How you can Use it?

    You may be thinking about this question haha, I'll show you how to

    • Trade Token
    • Transfer
    • Power Up
    • Power Down
    • Delegation

    And all of these might be in single line because it is not too tough to understand 😜

    Trade Token

    With that you can trare your HBD into HIVE or Hive into HBD.


    This helps you in making any kind of transfer (internally or externally).

    Power Up

    You can Power your Hive Up with this, it helps you to grow your account's strength on

    Power Down

    For conversion of your Hive Power into Hive.


    If you want to support any of other user or community, you can support by Delegating them with your HP.

    Withdraw Routes

    It needs to be discussed in details.

    What is Withdraw Routes?

    By using this setting you can withdraw your Hive Power in any other account, let me explain bit more you want to transfer some of Hive to any of your friend or someone on Hive, for that all you needs to do is to just put his/her name here and set a percentage (as much you want to transfer), that person will receive the same amount of Hive while your HP will get reduced with that. You should do it for security of your account, you might set it in any of your trusted friend's account or in your alternative account, this will help you to save your Money from Hackers :)

    How you Can Write your post/Blog with using Ecency?

    First of all you needs to go to this button, you will find it in mid from bottom on @ecency Application, whereas you can find it on right sided upper corner on website.

    After clicking on Edit button you will see this type of interface where you'll see these following button right on top of the Page.

    • Back Arrow
    • Settings
    • Drafts
    • Eye Icon
    • Publish

    After those buttons you will see some of these options (It helps you to make your Post stronger).

    • Choose A Community
    • Title
    • Tags
    • Tell us Something

    • Back Arrow

    While getting in Edit section, if you wants to go back without writing anything you can use this Arrow.

    • Setting

    This setting helps you to make some changes in your post. Like if you want to get all of your Rewards in Hive power or you wants to decline your rewards on post, or if you want to change the description of your post as you can see here

    • Drafts

    This Button helps you to save your posts in an emergency situation. Means if you got some work which is important to do while you're writing something to post, you can use this button to add your Written words into Draft and when you'll be back you can start, where you leave.

    • Eye Icon

    During Writing this Button will help you to see your post as that'll look like after publishing on Blockchain.

    • Publish

    If you're done with writing, you are just one click away from your publication on the Blockchain and this button helps you with that.

    • Choose A Community

    Right community will lead a great feedback for you, always choose community as per your post content or requirements.

    • Title

    Right Title makes your post perfect as compared to others. Always prefer to choose a perfect Title for your Post.

    • Tags

    Tags are very important and they should be same as your topic of content.

    • Tell Us Something

    Here you go, you are ready to write about your topic whatever it is. Minimum number of Words should be 300 (depends on your chosen community) and must use photos with there source ( if they're not yours ).

    On bottom of you can see all of these buttons, I think they all are very easy to understand, if you still want them in details just leave a comment I'll write in details.

    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Insert Table
    • Embed Link
    • Snippets
    • Add Photos
    • Add Videos
    • Delete your Post/Blog

    How you can you can Swap your Funds or Trade Tokens?

    For fast Swap or Trade I'll recommend you to use website which is super cool 😎 (as I mentioned in some previous parts).

    Right after logging in to your Ecency account with using website, you'll see your profile Image on right sided upper corner, after clicking there you'll se this kind of page. Where you can see an Option of

    Swap your Funds

    Trade Token

    Swap Your Funds.

    Swapping your funds helps you to swap your HBD into Hive or Hive into HBD. I always prefer to increase my HP at first and secondly I go for any other swap or buying.

    Trade Token

    If you're an old user of Cryptocurrency you might have knowledge about this, where you can set a buying or selling limits on your order while buying or selling.

    I am done with everything from your first post to your first withdraw, if you've missed any of single post or missed to learn anything else, you're always welcome to ask me anytime anywhere, you can find me on Discord with @nabbas0786 username.


    English isn't my First even Second Language, sometimes I use Google Translator.

    انگلش میری پہلی نا ہی دوسری زبان ہے، کبھی کبھار میں گوگل ٹرانسلیٹر کا استعمال کرتا ہوں۔

    All words and photos are mine, apart from those which have Source link.

    تمام الفاظ اور تصاویر میری ہیں، ان کے علاوہ جن کے سورس کا لنک ہے۔

    Don't hesitate to give an Upvote and leave your comment under the post, it'll encourage me.

    پوسٹ پر اَپ ووٹ اور اپنا کمنٹ کرنے میں نہ ہچکچائیں ، یہ مجھے حوصلہ دے گا۔

    Thank you very much for reading and spending your Time.

    پڑھنے اور اپنا وقت گزارنے کے لیے آپ کا بہت شکریہ۔

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