Splinterlands — 100% STUN? I would like that

in voilk •  29 days ago


    Hello everyone, welcome 👋, this is my post for the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

    In this challenge, I will show you one of my battles using death element cards, and with Revealer being the protagonist of the battle, who generally when attacking has a 50% chance of stunning an enemy, causing it to skip its next turn. And luckily in this battle, this unit stunned one of the enemy monsters almost every turn, which my monsters took advantage of to do double damage due to the Heavy Hitters ruleset.

    Revealer 1.png

    Edition:Chaos (reward)
    Element:35x35 Death.png Death
    Abilities:Stun, Immunity, Reflection Shield


    Personally, I don't like the Stun ability because it relies on luck for it to work, which is completely understandable. But I don't mind using this skill if I have the opportunity.

    If you want to make sure your monsters don't get stunned, consider using these abilities:

    The monster will be immune to negative status effects and therefore cannot be stunned.
    Monsters with this ability, will remove negative effects on the frontline friendly monster, dispelling the Stun.

    348 x218a.png
    In this battle, all melee and ranged monsters will hit a random enemy target due to the Aimless ruleset. Then there's also the Even Stevens ruleset, which means that only even mana cost cards are allowed. And finally, monsters that are stunned will take double damage from attacks due to the Heavy Hitters ruleset.

    This time, I decided to choose Thaddius Brood (death elemental) to reduce the hit points and magic attack of enemy units by -1. Because I thought the enemy might use some magic monsters in this battle.

    As my frontline monster I put Cursed Windeku, it's only at level 1 but it's one of the cards that for 6 mana has great stats and a good ability. It will deal 2 melee damage when taking damage from the enemy unit's melee attacks.

    I put Furious Chicken in second position, it costs no mana to play, so it's almost always good in low mana battles like this. It will only withstand one enemy attack, but that's okay.

    In the third position, I choose Revealer, who has the Stun ability, an ability necessary for the Heavy Hitters ruleset to work. Has a 50% chance to Stun the enemy it attacks, skipping its next turn.

    In the fourth position, I put Xenith Archer, the first ranged unit of my lineup and unfortunately it has no abilities. But for a neutral unit that costs 2 mana it's fine.

    In the fifth position, Ravenhood Warden, who has the same attack and hit points as Xenith, with the exception that this card has 1 more speed and, more importantly, will give all friendly monsters with +2 armor at the start of the battle.

    My last monster will be Twisted Jester, who has 1 more damage than its ranged allies, and has the Snipe ability which would allow it to attack the first enemy that is not in the frontline and has a ranged, magic or no attack. But the Snipe ability will be negated due to the Aimless ruleset is active, forcing it to attack a random enemy.


    Round 1-4:
    Most of the monsters were damaged, but none were defeated in these rounds.

    Round 5:

    Enemy☠️Harklaw is defeated by Cursed Windeku's Thorns ability, but is revived with 1 hit point and all of its main armor due to its summoner's Resurrect ability.

    Round 6:
    ☠️Cursed Windeku is defeated by Enemy Harklaw.

    Round 7:
    Twisted Jester destroys Enemy☠️Usut.
    Revealer ends the battle by eliminating the resurrected Enemy☠️Harklaw.


    Watch on Splinterlands

    In this battle I was very lucky, the magic monster Revealer was able to stun one of the enemy monsters in 5 of the 7 rounds, immobilizing one enemy per turn, it was a great advantage for my units as they took advantage of double damage from the Knock Out ability.

    My units received fewer attacks than I thought, and only my main tank monster was defeated.

    The most important thing is that my chicken was able to survive an appear in the final picture showing its victory.


    You can join Splinterlands with my affiliate referral link.

    Try Terracore (hive game): https://terracoregame.com?ref=aubryd

    Enjoy great battles and a great experience with it.

    That's all for now, see you on the battlefield!

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