in voilk •  3 days ago

    Good evening my beloved ones. How are you all doing today? I hope your day went well? Mine is great and am happy to be alive and see this wonderful day. Am delighted to be able to participate in this article writing which happens to be my first entry in this wonderful community @cleanplanet.
    I will love to share with everyone today about a memory that i wont forget although i got that at my early age. I am from Akanu Ohafia, Abia State, Nigeria. In our side, during the month of September every year, we celebrate our new yarm festival which means alot of things for my people because they see it as a way to thank God for all the things he have done for them from the beginning of farm cultivating to the time they see their harvest and many people from many places come to celebrate with them for that specific week( both families from different places and well washers).

    In this year i was lucky to return with my parents. I remember a story my grandfather told me about a young man which have a great impacts in my life.
    It was an illustration enclosed by the straightforwardness of regular day to day existence, yet significant enough to shape how I might interpret the results of activities. My grandfather called all his grandchildren who made it to the festival and to his side on one evening. He started started the story in a calm and peaceful way, many years ago, there was a small village between two great hills." In this town carried on with a little fellow named kalu, who was known for his limitless interest and naughty nature. Kalu's folks adored him profoundly however frequently wound up confounded with his rebellious attitude." One specific day, kalu dad, a harsh however fair man, gave him an unmistakable guidance: not to wander past the old oak tree at the edge of their property. Hidden pits and dense thickets dotted the wild and dangerous land beyond. Be that as it may, to kalu, the taboo region was an overpowering secret. However kalu, driven by the act of disobedience, chose to investigate the prohibited land.
    With the sun high overhead and a heart loaded with energy, he crossed the limit set by the old oak tree. From the beginning, the new domain appeared to be a heaven. Kalu was amazed by the scurrying woodland creatures, vibrant wildflowers, and exotic bird calls. But the landscape changed quickly. The ground became lopsided, and the thick underbrush scratched at his legs. In any case, he proceeded, persuaded that he could deal with whatever came his direction. Then, all of a sudden, kalu ended up having a difficult time. He had lost his way after straying into a thicket and lost his way. When he realized that he could no longer see the familiar landmarks of his home, panic set in. The once-attractive forest now felt ominous and gloomy as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Hours passed, and haziness wrapped the woods. Kalu was deeply disappointed in his disobedience when he heard no response to his pleas for help. Similarly as dread overpowered him, he heard a far off voice calling out to him. His father had been diligently looking for it. Kalu stumbled through the night following the sound until he was safely reunited with his father. My granddad stopped, permitting the heaviness of the story to soak in. "That day, kalu learned a valuable lesson," he continued. Not only did his disobedience put him in danger, but it also worried and upset the people who looked after him. He knew then how important it was to listen to and respect the advice of wiser and more experienced people from that day on." Although
    atthat age i couldn't understand the true meaning
    Of the story he hold us, but as i grow older after his demise few years later, i got to understand the true meaning of the story that he told us. Because it served as a gentle reminder of the repercussions of disobedience and the importance of following advice.
    Apart from the story at that point in time i got another wonderful experience that i couldn't forget even till now. In that one week and few days ee spent there, the family reunion was very interesting to me.
    Both the act of eating together as a family in one plate, going ro yhe stream to fetch water with my cousins and my siblings even my auntie and going out with most of them which i have not been able to see again since that period of time. All this memory was an amazing one for me and a one time one thag if i could turn back tha hands of clock, i would have done that. But regardless, i am hoping for the day i will see all of them again because i have really missed them.
    Thank you all for your time. This is my entry for #cleanplanet.
    I will love to invite some of my friends to join in this wonderful entry
    For more information about this entry visit

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