Discussions, decisions and destinations

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Travelling is a beautiful experience, there's so much to like about it from the experiences and people one meets, the togetherness I feel with my partner, the adventure and unknown, the feeling of complete anonymity, to the coming home part; I even find that aspect enjoyable because I enjoy and miss the comfort and privacy of my own home very much and home is where my cat is and I miss her terribly when I'm away too.

    Unfortunately, travelling isn't something we've been able to do much due to some circumstances we've had to prioritise over many other aspects of our lives, and we miss the excitement of travelling.


    My man took this image

    Another of the enjoyable aspects of travelling is the planning stage and that's what we're doing this weekend; I don't mean planning the actual trip, it's more about determining where we can go with the time we have available and how that will work around the commitments I mentioned earlier - I want to be in a position to return quickly if required and have to consider last-minute flight-availability and cost back home from wherever we go.

    This weekend we're working through some ideas and have set the goal of having a decision on the destination by the end of the weekend.

    We have both spent time individually coming up with possible locations and have done a little research on them in preparation; unsurprisingly, some are common to us both but there's a few that aren't so the deliberations will be interesting I think. One thing is definitely shared by both and that's the excitement the process brings, the prospect of taking a trip, planning it out - a trip we both really need.

    I'm not sure at this early stage what the result of our discussions will be however there'll be a lot of googling of potential destinations, and probably some disagreements and then a destination decision will present itself...it's all quite exciting and I'm looking forward to that process this weekend.

    - This is what I'm listening to -

    Becca 💗

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