He is not the one

in voilk •  3 months ago



    No, he is not the one, my dear soul, if at night, instead of embracing you, he turns his back on you. He is not the one who does not value your warmth, who does not find in your arms his refuge, his best corner.

    He is not the one if he prefers to go out without looking back, leaving your plans and desires in the background, incapable, your time and your company deserve his attention, and if he chooses his friends, without consideration, it is a sign of disillusionment.

    He is not the one if during the day he does not seek to hear from you, if he does not call you or write to you, believe me, he is not a good symbol to follow. Love finds time in the middle of any hustle and bustle, and if he doesn't, it's a reflection of his disinterest, I assure you.

    You deserve someone who values each of your days, who makes you feel loved and special in every way, one who cares about your well-being and your happiness, who finds time for you without excuse or false reality.

    Don't settle for the one who doesn't value you, the one who doesn't show you that you are his precious jewel, remember that you deserve a love that lifts you up and completes you, that makes you feel loved and always on his mind.

    So no, he is not the one if the signs are clear, if he doesn't give you what you deserve, if there are no sincere words, have faith that destiny has someone better in store for you, someone who loves you at every moment, at every dawn.

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