The Art of Science- Aesthetic StemSocial Logo Design

in voilk •  2 months ago


    So uhm, a couple of day ago I have been really thinking of what to do for the @stemsocial community rather than just going on and on publishing science/technology based contents writeup. I guess something in me just wanted to spice things up. Most importantly I decided that it would make a a great deal of sense to create something unique, something that everyone can use for the benefit of the community. A logo based design that scream STEMSOCIAL, stopping everyone in their tracks.

    I have been thinking about this for a while, I finally got out of the vicious cycle of procrastination and finally I am so happy I did this. I feel fulfilled, there is some psychology involved in that. So here 👇👇

    Now, I know what you thinking, is this kind of content allowed in stemsocial ? Because it all screams art where as it a science based community.

    I would explain

    First thing first, the logo-based design you see above is made solely for stemsocial, it screams stemsocial like a banshee on rampage. If it screams stemsocial, then it screams science and yes everything related. Science involves a lot of creativity which involve an interplay of brainful neuron. We taking neuroscience here.

    Neuroscientists have identified specific regions of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus, that play a pivotal roles in the creative process my creative process. Through intricate neural networks and neurotransmitter signaling, our brains transform raw inspiration into masterpieces of expression, like the one you have seen above. Let me say with all clarity, without science, you can hardly have art. The building block, the fundamentals to art creation is based on what science has been able to provide. Dont write-off the role of science in art

    This design was done by taking into account the understanding of colors what matches and what doesnt. The absolute CHEMISTRY OF COLORS- The colors you see is as a result of bouncing off of a particular spectrum of color or colors that has failed to be absorbed by an object or surface. Beneath this artful surface lies a world governed by the laws of chemistry. From the rich hues of dark and light red to the fiery tones of orange and blue, each color is a testament to the molecular structures of its components. Through chemical reactions and oh yes molecular bonding, art harness the power of chemistry to evoke emotion and provoke thought.

    In this case, I harnessed the power of digital technology provided solely by science

    Now lightening plays a major role in the realm of art creation, just like it has done in this design.
    Light reigns supreme as both medium and muse. But the physics of light extends far beyond the flicker of a camera flash. From the refraction to reflections to flashes of the camera, light encompasses a vast array of phenomena. Artists and scientists alike are captivated by the interplay of color, wavelength, and intensity, using light as a tool to illuminate the beauty of the natural world then brought alive on a physical or digital canvas

    Now mathematical precision was involved in this creation specifically in terms of symmetry and letter spacing, although it was ignored at certain points in the design . In the world of art creation, things like symmetry and geometry reign supreme as fundamental principles. Whether symmetry or goemetry, art works are inspired through mathematical patterns . Through the lens of mathematics, art becomes a celebration of order and harmony; tranquility and serenity in a chaotic universe.

    Some process that lead to the final results












    Final result

    In the end, creativity that defines human experience are excuded from the depths of our brain neurons. One in which science pushes us to imagine and explore beyond the limitations of our perceived reality. In other words , lets embrace the beauty of discovery, as we paint our own masterpiece upon the canvas of existence one scientific molecule at a time

    Resources used


    • All designs are mine, created on pixellab app

    All design are free to use, no attribution required

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