Threads: Polls plus Meme

in voilk •  4 months ago


    On friday I listened the Spaces hosted by Taskmaster and it was all about doing polls on Threads. What is Sticky content?

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sticky content refers to content published on a website, which has the purpose of getting users to return to that particular website or hold their attention and get them to spend longer periods of time on this site.[1] Webmasters use this method to build up a community of returning visitors to a website.

    If you are a regular reader of my Threads you will know I love posting memes. I also love to do motivation, positivity quotes, basiclly anything in picture form that I find funny or enlighting.

    After the Spaces with Task it got me thinking. Why don't I start adding polls to what I post on threads. The pic above is an example of what I will be doing for now on.

    If it is a meme then I will ask funny or not funny. Or in the case above I had another choice. lol

    I am trying to make things more sticky, and with stickyness comes Evergreen. They work hand in hand.

    3 Ways To Make Your Content Convert


    1. Evergreen Content

    "Many marketers look to trends and industry news to find topics for their next piece of content. This can achieve engagement while the topic is relevant, but its impact can be short-lived. Your content schedule should always contain a mix of topical and “evergreen” content. “Evergreen” content, (also known as “sticky” content), features a topic or issue that is always relevant and has no expiration date.

    For example, if your business is in the fitness industry, the 5 Best Arm Toning Exercises would be an evergreen topic. This topic will be searched for again and again and your post will remain consistently relevant."

    1. Semi-Gated Content

    Content is all about delivering" value. Empowering your customers with knowledge they can use to better their lives or business will keep them coming back. In delivering such value, it’s okay to ask for a something in return. That’s where the idea of semi-gated content comes in. Semi-gated content allows your target audience to read part of your content, but asks them to submit some of their details to read the rest.

    This technique can work as long as you give enough content upfront to prove it’s worth continuing to read. For example, you have built a list of 30 Tips. Make the first 10 tips available, but ask the reader to submit their details to read the rest. Your customer gets good content, and it converts to details for your e-mail database."

    This is an idea I believe that can be used in the future when INLEO rolls out the option for Premium users to be able to offer extra content only to premium users or Lions of a certain level.

    1. Clever Use of CTAs

    "A critical mistake many marketers make is publishing great content, but not including a Call-To-Action. Every piece of content you publish should feature a CTA. If a user has landed on your website and is actively engaging with your content – you need to take advantage of the opportunity. A simple sentence can direct them to the next phase of your user journey.

    Linking to other relevant blog content, products or solution pages on your website is a must. This will keep your viewer engaged and informed and therefore a more likely buyer. A direct CTA like “start a free trial”, or “sign up to our emails”, is the perfect way to sign off and give those readers a signal to take the next step."

    The simple thing ofr CTA's with polls on threads is getting people to vote. This will get them to engage. And if they engage they are likely to take not of what you are offering. They will look for your next poll or might even check out the polls tag or what every tag you used in your Thread.

    Sum Up

    I thought I would change up my post this morning. Back to my BBH udates tomorrow.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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