#7 Holozing Characters: Miu (EN/ DE)

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello dear Hive Community and Holozing Fans,

    Well lovelies, are you doing well so far? It's been raining here all day, so I used this time to draw "Miu", Holozing's cute cat. I stuck to the original as far as possible because I wanted to practise this style. Besides, the original looks super cute with this cheeky little fatty kittycat, I love it. 🥰

    Here are the individual steps of my fanart.

    holozing Fanart Miu thumbnail.jpg

    Hallöchen liebe Hive Gemeinde und Holozing Fans,

    Na ihr Lieben, geht es euch soweit gut? Hier regnet es schon den ganzen Tag, weshalb ich diese Zeit genutzt habe um "Miu", die süße Katze von Holozing zu zeichnen. Ich habe mich soweit am Original gehalten, da ich mich in diesem Stil üben wollte. Außerdem sieht das Original super süß aus mit diesem frechen Dickerchen. 🥰

    Hier nun die einzelnen Schritte meiner Fanart.

    the Progress.png

    holozing Fanart Miu 1.jpg

    First sketching the cutie Miu with a hanging toy.

    holozing Fanart Miu 2.jpg

    Insider view of my layers. Yup I used many. So I could work faster on my drawing and correct mistakes easily.

    holozing Fanart Miu 3.jpg

    For the little shining star I added some light and glitter.

    holozing Fanart Miu 4.jpg

    Some last details and a bit lighter and ready it is.

    finished Fanart/ fertige Fanart

    holozing Fanart Miu.png

    holozing Fanart Miu gif.gif

    the originals/ die Originale:


    Check out the Holozing's website

    credits to the creators of it ❤️ Greetings to the @holozing @zingcontent @kstreet @Acidyo and @craizuss Holozing teams, you are doing an amazing job. Thanks for that.

    Source of the image/ Quelle des Bildes:

    Source of the informations/ Quelle der Informationen:

    allgemeine Infos/ general info:

    • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
    • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
    • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
    • Dauer der Fertigstellung ~ 1 Stunden 27 Minuten/ duration of completion ~ 1 hours 27 minutes

    last words

    To translate some of my german native words I used deepl.com. After I edited and corrected some parts because deepl.com couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

    I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

    Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

    Your / Eure

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