Quick money degenerates the soul of one who has not mastered it

in voilk •  4 months ago

    “Money not worked for is almost always never well spent”
    Quick money degenerates the soul of one who has not mastered it.png
    Dominic's voice resounded in his ears. There was only one thought that ran through his head as he Sat there.

    God, please let Dominic want to see me.

    It wasn't like he merited the appointment, he just wanted an opportunity to look into those deep green eyes and plead for forgiveness.

    It was exactly 6 months since he won the lottery, and as Dominic prophesied, he had crumbled from driving a lush McLaren to walking almost 10 kilometers.

    “You've allowed 1.2 million to come between us today, I hope it remains there for the rest of your life” Dominic yelled in frustration. Then, Desmond had paid no attention to him. He remembered drinking from a bottle of chardonnay, running his eyes scornfully over his brother, but NOW, he needed Dominic to retrieve his sanity.

    “I see you've returned a bit…sober” Dominic's thick voice rang out. Desmond rose and put a smile on his face, It ended up as a grimace.

    “Dom, I don't know if you've got 5 minutes to listen to me….”

    Desmond had come to ask Dominic for some money to play a lottery game exactly 6 months before and when Dom refused to give his support, Desmond went ahead to source money himself, eventually landing 1.2 million dollars.

    Dominic, in excitement, had come over to celebrate with him but Desmond blatantly told him off. Dominic knew he deserved it, but when his brother began spending recklessly on cars and girls, he washed his hands off him.

    “I've come to say that I'm sorry,” Desmond said half hoping that Dominic wouldn't walk out on him.

    “Get out” his green eyes met with Dominic's in disbelief. His brother had never spoken to him coldly before the lottery.



    He turned around in frustration and went back to sitting on the stairs that led to Dom’s house.

    He didn't TRY to fight back the tears that gathered in his eyes and soon he was sobbing almost uncontrollably. He wanted his life in that peaceful apartment back, he wanted his girlfriend, Maria, who had also not been in support of the lottery back, and he wanted his brother back.

    It seemed like the money had done something irreparable to his soul for the period that he had it on him. He couldn't even explain how he spent it. There were no savings like Maria had suggested, no investments, no assets. The only thing he had was his car and he returned it even before his lease was over.

    He didn't want anything else to do with that money. It completely changed him.

    He rose to head to Maria’s house. If only he had someone who would hear him out at least.

    “Hey Ma,” he said into the phone that had directed him to voicemail. “If you get this, I want to say I'm truly sorry for how I treated you. I was a jerk and I didn't know the value of the good people around me. Call me, okay?”

    He hung around her house for about 2 hours waiting for a response, when he got none, he began his 10-kilometer walk back to his house.

    He was nearly at the city mall when he saw a familiar figure standing to take a taxi just outside the mall.

    “Maria!” He hurried over towards her. When she saw it was him, she made to walk away but he held her back.

    “Just listen to me, please.” She scoffed and looked around him.

    “Where's your car?”

    “I…returned it” then he bent his head in shame.

    “Look at you! Where's ALL your money?”

    Then Desmond Broke down into real tears in her ARMs. Maria sighed and took him to the nearest restaurant she could find so they could sit and talk.

    “I lost all of it, Ma. I went to play again and lost” Maria held his hands sympathetically and rubbed on them as he spoke.

    “I lost everything Ma. I can barely eat NOW and the guys I hung out with, everyone seems to be busy now” he wiped the tears and looked up at her. “Money changes people who have not mastered it, quick money degenerates the soul. I've learned the hard way, Ma. I need you, please”

    There was almost nothing she could say in protest. She had been with him for the past 4 years of her life and she loved him.

    “What about Dom?”

    Desmond shook his head sadly.

    “I'll go talk to him. You can stay at my place tonight. Let's see how we can begin to pick the pieces of your life”

    Desmond smiled and took her hands to his lips.

    “It's our life now, Maria. It has always been and will always be”.

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