Cyrtocymura scorpioides

in voilk •  2 months ago
    Latin NameObservation dateLocation
    Cyrtocymura scorpioides16 Jan 2025Regency Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

    Hello all friends who are always loyal with me, I hope you are all in good health and always successful wherever you are.

    At this very happy meeting I am back again to entertain you all with some of my photography that I took a few days ago.

    The photo that I want to show at this meeting is a flower that is blooming and beautiful for us to see.

    A few days ago I found a photo of the flower behind my friend's house when my friend and I were looking for worms to fish.

    At that time I saw the flower from a distance and then I decided to approach the flower, after I had clearly seen the beauty of the flower I was interested in the flower so I decided to take some pictures with my cellphone and the help of a macro tool so that it could be clear, when I had taken some pictures and I was quite satisfied with the beauty of the flower, and then I continued to look for worms to continue fishing with my friends.

    Okay friends, let's all see the beauty of the flower below.

    Those are some pictures that I took a few days ago, I hope you all can be entertained and useful and don't forget the next post.

    Camera usedHandphone
    Iso speedISO
    Focal lengthMM
    PhotographyCyrtocymura scorpioides

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