The level of my commitment towards learning some musical instruments

in voilk •  6 months ago

    For as many people that knows me or conversant with my blog would know that I'm a music lover, I love singing, I derive so much pleasure in it and I also love playing musical instrument, infact it's one of the reasons why I joined hive, seeing the opportunity of a platform that I could showcase my little skill. I have basic knowledge of three musical instrument, keyboard, guitar and drums. There was a time that I have a strong passion for all this things to the extent that I wanted to become a professional, someone was ready to teach me and I'm also ready to learn, but as God will have it I got a job in a far away town, very far from home that I could only manage to come home once in three months.

    The place I was posted to happened to be a rural area, the rurality of this particular place is very high, despite the fact that I was a novice, I couldn't find one person that knows even just a little more than I do. Moreover you'll hardly see a church that has all this instrument in place.
    Well that was even by the way, the main reason why I started loosing focus in learning all this musical instruments was when I needed money to sort out some things, I was still learning musical instrument, therefore it can't start fetching me money so I had to divert to something else.

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    Even though I was working, yet I needed something extra, so I was looking for other things I could do to add to my monthly income. While searching, I came in contact with my onboarder, my course mate back then in school, he explained how hive blockchain works, It's benefits and all. The start was rough but along the line I started developing interest. So my offline work and hive blockchain took virtually all my time which I'm happy about, I did not regret leaving the musical instrument for sometime in other to make money. Learning these instruments is still on my mind though as I can still make money with it if it's possible for me to devote a quality time for it. Responsibilities are piling up everyday and it's money that could solve most of this duties.

    However, I'm not so happy that I had to stop learning instrument but man has to do what man has to do. Sometimes in my church I'll be the one to play the keyboard and sometimes there will be someone to play the keyboard while I play guitar, I don't like going on stage to play because I know I'm not too good but because there's no one to play I just step there to do the little I can.
    Anyways, I'm no longer a complete novice as I'm still trying to find time whenever I'm less busy to do some rehearsals even though it can be two times in a month, which is very bad for an instrumentalist, an instrumentalist should rehearse everyday. So I just hope I'll be able to give more time to it, maybe I can be earning some cash with it just as some people do by playing in wedding ceremonies, playing for a music band, etc... And even if I can't go as far as that mere playing in the church as a professional is not bad too and also to improve my Music covers on hive blockchain, if I should start making entries with them, I believe my music video will be much more better.


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