Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 3

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

    Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

    This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

    Click Back Button to Start At The Beginning

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    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 1

    Dear Reader, Do new things scare you?

    I don´t mean that last iPhone, but undertaking things for the first time?

    I can´t remember that it bothered me when I was a kid, but the more grey hairs I get, the more I like to know what to expect.

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    I prepare my last night here and decide to spend it in the open air, a cave after what I saw earlier today did not feel right.

    There was no real plan where to go next but I found what I was looking for and did what I had to do.

    When I close my eyes I hear a soft melody, it is a voice, a woman's voice it seems, and coming from very far away.

    It sounds nothing like Cabilah's ethereal clarity, it doe not have any of her magic. What it does have is a creak and it´s muffled as if the sound is coming from the other side of a wall, while I am only surrounded by trees.

    Then it becomes clearer as if there is a crack in the wall allowing me to recognize words;

    I've seen you, a long time ago I saw you here.
    Wandering, going in circles in search of I know what.

    What are you doing here traveler, why did I get a message for you.

    Traveler hear my words, for I do not see you, I only know that you will be here.
    These words will reach you as my bones are dust and my soul beyond the stars.


    This is a test traveler, this is just a test.
    In time you will know what to do, you will make the connection.
    This is the test traveler, just a test of an ignorant.

    The last sentence is fading, then there is silence. As if both nature and the sea are holding their breath, when they exhale I am wide awake and I hear the wind and the waves.

    I have heard things before, I had out-of-body experiences before, lucid dreams, whatever I want to call them, During those experiences, I was not aware of myself, I was in the experience, Not this time, this time I was aware of my whereabouts, and I heard the words, as if they were floating around looking for me.

    I look at the sea, I just want to look a bit longer before I leave, beforebackI disappear behind the rocks and probably never return.
    Now this voice in my head I know well I think when I hear the raspy voice of Master Oniko say:
    "You can never leave the past behind, but it is a burden that you must let go of once you have learned your lessons."
    As always the old man was right and my lessons are no longer here.

    Riding my horse down the mountain I wonder if this place is perhaps more at home than our village in the mountains. When I catch myself in the act of again asking questions without adding value to myself, I tell my mind that it doesn't matter. I am leaving either way. Why am I the keeper of countless questions without answers, why can I not accept and let it go?

    It´s freezing cold when I cross the unfortunate mountain pass, where I am once again confronted with the memories.

    Those very uncertain nights when I was caged returned. Captured by the soldiers that had chased us for many days, expecting to undergo the cruelties that we saw them commit earlier on.

    I'm amazed by the confidence I had those days. So convincing that there was no way we could lose, even while we were in that impossible position.

    That certainty that we were all one, on a journey that would not end here on this desolate pass.
    I have lost that feeling, that certainty.

    I feel aimless after achieving what I knew had to be done. The voices and visions gave me strength, Perhaps they were just figments created by my overactive imagination, but mission accomplished.

    Where to go now that there is no longer a mission?

    It´s the emptiness that makes me insecure. Before I knew the way. I was told the way, I was shown the way.
    As a kid, I was guided. I had Oniko. Then my sister the Dragon, and eventually Numico all handing out directions and calming me with clarity.

    Now it feels like I am on my own. And even though I know that isn't true, the wings of confidence I previously had have been clipped.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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