Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Broken Arrows with Tarsa

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Broken Arrows Ruleset



    Units with ranged attacks cannot be used.

    Units with 2 types of attack (which include ranged) cannot be used.

    Consider utilizing units with Thorns or Magic Reflect, as your opponent will have to use either melee or magic units.

    A high HP first monster with Void ability will deal with both melee and magic. Give your tank a back up with a tank heal support. Using Thorns or Magic Reflect is also very useful in this rule set. Defend against either Magic or Melee attacks by using the right summoner and then use monsters' abilities to deal with the other attack type.


    The Battle Ruleset


    Broken Arrows: Ranged attack Monsters may not be used in battles.
    Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

    This is a low mana ruleset game and almost every color is available to play, except is the Life and Death Splinters. It is important to choose monsters with low speed, because I want to take advantage of the Reverse Speed ruleset.

    The Broken Arrows ruleset will eliminate all the ranged attack monsters from this game, so better to focus on melee or magic attacks using a summoner who will buff them.


    My Team Composition


    Tarsa gives +1 melee attack and health to all of her monsters, which is a huge advantage for a melee attack team.


    Grum Flameblade is the best thank in the Reverse Speed Ruleset, because he is very slow, which will makes him to attack first in every round and most likely hit his target.

    His Bloodlust is amazing and if he kill a monster he will increase his own stats by one. The Void and Void Armor abilites are the best protection against the magic attack monsters.


    I used the Radiated Brute to attack from the second position using his Reach ability and with the buff from Tarsa he is quite powerful.


    The Flame Monkey will repair Grums shield with his Repair ability, which will allow him to sustain much more damage than on its own.


    The Kobold Miner is a Sneak attack monster and he has a lot of melee attack to target my opponent backline monsters.


    The Tenyii Striker is a must have monster of a melee attack team using the Fire Splinter, because he has a lot of melee attack damage with the Sneak ability for only 5 mana cost.


    The Furious Chicken cost zero mana and he is only playable in the Wild mode and he is important to block an enemy attack. It is easy to use him in any kind of team, but in return he doesn't really have any stats at all on his lower levels. He will block at least one attack, which is always good.


    The Battle


    Link to my battle:


    My opponent picked Kelya for this battle, which is not the best option, because he give one speed to all of his monsters, which interestingly make them slower! The armor increase is good, but we will see it will be enough or no?

    The first round started killing their healer at his back thanks to my two Sneak attack monsters. He also killed my Chicken, so he did his job properly!

    In the second round my team suffered a lot of damage and lost our Flam Monkey as well, because my team was hitting only their armors.

    In the third round they lost their Bandit and we lost our Tenyii Striker and in the fourth round we lost our Kobold as well.

    The low speed on my Grum helped him a lot to dodge few attacks and with the help of my Brute they easily killed their last two monster. 😉


    Do you like Broken Arrows? Why or why not?

    I do not really like playing with less monsters, because I always try to use different kind of monsters and attack types, but in this fight I had to pick the melee attacks over the magic and it worked perfectly!


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