Has Hive Improved You?

in voilk •  last month

    There are a lot of benefits to engaging consistently on Hive, whether it be writing articles, commenting on posts, reading, witnessing, curating... and probably a few benefits for less than positive actions, like spamming, cheating, scamming, and generally being a dick. However, what I was wondering wondering was how your participation on Hive has changed you.

    Are you better or worse?


    Of course, that binary option doesn't really encapsulate the dynamics of a human, because we can get better in one area and degrade in another. For instance, I have improved my understanding of the economy and finance, but I am now in the habit of getting less sleep than I should get. I have improved my potential for a better financial future, but I have withdrawn from a lot of social interaction - though that las bit is not all attributable to Hive.

    However, there are lots of other improvements that various users might have noticed in themselves and I have head things like increasing language skills, becoming more outgoing, understanding different perspectives better, more willing to take ownership, becoming more reflective....

    There are many more.

    And I thought it would be interesting to list a few in a poll and let you pick three that resonate the most with you. It would be great if at least all people commenting would vote through Peakd or Ecency, and hopefully add some of the negatives you might have experienced also. For instance, a negative for me is that I am less trusting of people, because I have seen so much scam, and so many good personas fall into their real personality that is far less good.

    But Hive is an incredibly interesting place once you dive in and start to engage with the community, and figure out a little bit of the technology and philosophies in play. Yeah, there are a lot of different that behave in lots of ways both good and bad, but that is the dynamic of life too, it is just that we don't often see the actions of our neighbours as clearly as we do the actions on the blockchain.

    While the list is far from exhaustive, I hope that reflecting on it might show point to how you have changed, how far you have come in your time here, or highlight that you haven't changed much at all.

    Is it better to change, or stay the same?

    While you think on that, let's get into the poll. Please add more into your comments and some of your reflections, if you have any.

    [ Gen1: Hive ]

    You can select up to 6 options.

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