in voilk •  2 months ago

    Knowledge itself is indeed a great power, i never knew how factual these words were in the past but as time went on and i kept on growing and becoming more mature, i came to the realization and conclusion that knowledge is indeed a great power, which means; what you know then and now has the ability to impact your life positively in years to come, which can also lead to one’s success in life. Don’t underestimate the power of knowledge…

    It feels just like yesterday when i joined the hive blockchain looking all lost and confused, i was like a sheep without a shepherd even when i had a shepherd to feed me with all the necessary piece of information on how to utilize the blockchain positively and correctly…

    I had someone to put me through the dos and don'ts of the hive blockchain, this person enlightened me on the most important things i need to know about the blockchain, and left me to figure out the rest on my own, even with this, he never for once left me completely but rather watch me from afar like a good mentor would…

    I started crawling before learning how to fly, In my first 6-8 months on the blockchain, i knew little about Decentralized applications not to talk more of knowing all the decentralized applications we have on hive. The funniest thing is that I never knew my two favorite front ends were also amongst the decentralized applications on hive, it took me time to figure all these out but after a while i was brought into the limelight of knowledge, thanks to my non stop learning and exploration…

    I started my hive journey with peakd as my favorite decentralized application, this was even before I found out there were other interesting and user friendly Dapps, it took me some time but I eventually found my favorite after comparing and contrasting my two favorite dapps at that time…


    I stumbled into the world of ecency many months ago as a result of engaging with some oldbies on hive, at first it was strange seeing a new decentralized app, this birth lots of question in my head with no answers to them, before i knew it I started navigating the frontend like i had been using before then, it was very interesting yet strange, i knew where to go and how how find my way on it. Gradually gradually, I realized this is where i wanna be and boom I became an ecency man…

    This was how I started using ecency, the little thing I figured out about the front end on my own felt like everything, I never knew there were many interesting features on it, it took a while but I eventually fight it out and even loved it more because of that particular features…


    I don’t think the word like is strong enough to qualify how i feel about the ecency front end. Love should be the best choice of word to use…

    I fell in love with the ecency front end for just 4 things, all of which i am going to highlight in the next few paragraphs;


    The only thing that has changed since I started using the ecency front end is the post boosting feature, it was removed after the upgrade for a couple of reasons after the last upgrade, even with its removal my love for ecency never changed, i now even use more than then…

    The ability to make ones post gain views and likely audience is a very great feature, i have used it a couple of time and i kind of saw the results after a while, this made me love it the more…

    The accumulation of ecency points and the easy navigation of the front end is one of my favorite parts about it, thanks to the upgrade we can now use our accumulated ecency points to get delegations from the ecency account…

    Navigation is easier than ever for me, and that is something that has never changed even with the latest upgrade…


    My love for the ecency frontend is not just that of the tongue, which means i love it not just for its features but for its simplicity and awesomeness, if all the above listed features gets taken away suddenly some day, nothing will happen to me, that won’t stop me from using or liking the frontend. As long as it’s simplicity and easy navigation is not removed, i will surely be back where I belong…

    After all, other front ends don’t have much differences, i will just stick to it and enjoy it for as long as i can…

    In summary, i am big fan of ecency and with or without the above listed features, i will still be a lover and a fan of it…

    In conclusion, this is my entry to the IU contest titled My favorite dapp, the contest is still on so there is time to submit your awesome entries…

     NB; the above image used are
    personal screenshots taken from my account…
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