My Good Sides and Bad Sides

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello, sweeties in the @Hivenaija community. I hope we are all having great times. I am @captainman and this is my entry for the @hivenaija weekly prompt, this week. This week's prompt is one of my favorites and I would do justice to it.

    Raising a child is a big task but raising a child in the right way is the biggest task. I will give my parents the largest thumbs up because, without them, I would have chosen my path, which I am sure would have led me to ruin. I have several parts of my upbringing that I would love to recreate in my children and I also have some I would love to bury and never resurrect.

    From the first day I commenced my Primary Education, my parents never let me divert from the sole aim of going to school. My parents imbibed in me the spirit of focus which helped me to achieve academic excellence. When I was still a young boy, we had a neighbor, Aunty Sarah. When my parents wanted me to start primary school, they registered me in the school that Aunty Sarah was working at. They did this so that Aunty Sarah would always watch me and correct me anytime I was losing track.

    Aunty Sarah was more like a security drone wavering around me. My parents with the help of Aunty Sarah made me learn to always be focused to achieve my goal, academic excellence. When I realized what my parents wanted for me and how much they had sacrificed for me, I didn't joke with that part of my upbringing, I disciplined myself and was focused on making my parents smile. I am very excited and thankful to my parents for making me who I am today. This is what I also wish for my children too, the spirit of focus and commitment, the key to success.

    The lesson of commitment my parents taught me yielded the result they wanted for me and themselves too. They led me right in the path of commitment to academic excellence. My parents had planted several great seeds in me but I am only given a chance to share one with my readers.

    There is a saying that makes me wonder most times when I come across it, "When you allow a person very much into you, the person will soon seek an allowance." This saying in simple terms means that when you give people enough opportunities they may want to use it against you or try to exploit you. The part of my upbringing I would never love to recreate in my children is lying. My parents succeeded in making me an excellent child but ended up suffering some undeserved consequences.

    My parents loved me for many reasons, I am hardworking, intelligent and handsome. To this love, my parents added trust. My parents trusted me so much in everything. They believed every word and letter that ever came from me. When I realized that my parents trusted me, I allowed the devil to use me. I cultivated the habit of lying from nowhere. I often lied to my parents about the prices of books sold in school. I remember one of the books I purchased, Anatomy and Physiology In Health and Illness. The price of the book is just two thousand, five hundred naira, approximately two dollars but I lied to my parents that the price was ten thousand naira, approximately eight dollars. I often remove the price tag before leaving the dormitory to the house when our school is on break.

    This habit of lying and craftiness is one part of my upbringing I would never wish to recreate in my children. I was lucky to meet a friend, Equinox by name, he is a very honest and God-fearing boy. He advised me that since I am very intelligent and my parents love me, the extra money I extort from my parents could easily and willingly be given to me by them if I had asked. He advised me to often ask and not steal. He told me that since they are my parents, I ask them not to beg them, so it is better to ask than lie and steal. I am so happy to announce that I turned a new leaf and I am now earning to give to my parents and no more to steal from them. This is also what I wish for my children, the spirit of hard work to support their parents.

    Thanks for stopping by to check on my story. Love you all and have a great day 😍🤗😍😍🤗. I supported @fab-tay and @intishar

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