I hold relationships dear.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "One hand cannot wash itself clean but both hands can"....local African proverb

    Humans are social beings. We cannot do without interacting with other people. From birth to death, people will be involved in our lives, serving in various capacities. Hence the need to form lasting bonds or relationships.

    No matter how I look at it, I can clearly see that people need other people, it is a vital part of human development. The only perogative is that you have the right to choose those that you want to have a relationship with.

    Relationships are more than connections or associations to me. I see relationships as investments, people investing in other people to serve a greater good. There are so many benefits that are derived from good relationships.

    The richest person in the world is that one who has formed rich wholesome relationships while the poorest is that person that has no one to rely on or to turn to.

    There are so many things I am thankful for but the most important of them falls on my relationships. From my family, to my friends (offline and online), to my colleagues, to neighbours and acquaintances. All these people have in one way or the other impacted my life for good.

    Relationships have opened doors for me that I would not have been able to open on my own. Relationships have bought me things that my money could never buy. I usually tell people that you can only go as far as your relationships because you are just four persons away from what you need.

    Many years ago, a neighbour was about to have her wedding and when she shared the news to us, we were glad. She was humble enough to speak out that she needed assistance and that was what I and some other neighbours did. I helped her get a reception venue at a very minimal rate and I also connected her to good event caterers for a discounted price. To cut it simply, what would have cost this lady an arm and a leg, was reduced because she shared a relationship with us.

    I don't know what it means to job hunt because most of my jobs came as referrals from my friends. They would call me to tell me about a job opening asking me to go if interested and when I got to the place all I did was mention the name of so and so and the job was mine. Also, I got to know about hive block chain from a dear friend and now I can boast of many online friends who have impacted my life, helping me to navigate the block chain better. All these, is thanks to relationship.

    On the other hand, having a career is great especially if one is successful in it but I feel it shouldn't be prioritized above meaningful relationships after all, every career would one day end wither by retirement or death but relationships live on in the form of memories even when death has occurred.

    I feel sad when I encounter people who step on others without a care, just to get to the pinnacle of their career. They don't seem to realize that people are like ladders, if one climbs up carefully, the ladder will be a strong support at the time decline (old age). One needs to ask, "after my career what next?"

    So many are lonely and going through life in solitary mode because they failed to nurture meaningful relationships. They saw people only as a means to an end, getting what they want and dumping the latter....so pitiful in my opinion.

    Things are to be used while people are to be loved. Relationships can take you to the greatest of heights you desire and more. Let's cherish and maintain the relationships that we have.

    Thank you all for reading. This is my response to the #weekendengagement writing prompt 203.

    All images used are mine.

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