Black and white is an art | #Monomad Challenge

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Black and white photos indeed have their own charm; sometimes, with just those shades, we can tell more about what lies within the photo. Even without any narration in those photos and merely by looking at them, sometimes, we can already understand the message the photographer wanted to convey at that moment.

    Black and white photos, for me, carry a mysterious and meaningful impression, possessing their own artistic side. All photos can be turned into black and white, but only a few photos truly gain artistic value when converted into these shades. Some photographers I follow on social media mostly turn their photos into black and white to showcase intimacy, emotions, and the contrasting situations when they captured the moment.

    It's not an easy task; it requires a profound awareness of the surroundings before taking the photo. Almost all of them have said, "wait and see," where unexpected moments arise when we are patient, resulting in captivating works. However, some also say that waiting may cause us to miss the moment, and I believe there is some truth to that. For me, it's about waiting and keeping my eyes wide open, relying on intuition, and being alert is the best way to capture a moment when we want to seize it. In a photography workshop, a mentor once told me, to capture a moment in street or candid photography, use both eyes—one eye on the camera's viewfinder and the other to observe the surroundings. One eye is responsible for monitoring the surroundings where unexpected moments will naturally unfold.

    Here are some black and white photos I took some time ago. Although they are not street or candid photos, I believe each photo has its own story, and I want to share them with all of you.









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