Like mother, Like son

in voilk •  2 months ago


    The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of pic1000 source

    -I see a princess in a room of sacks and there at fruits on the floor and window ledge.

    -I feel the princess is trapped in the room.


    “What do we have here?” King Joel said in amusement as a guard bundled his son Prince Neo scruffily by the neck into his study.

    “Well your Majesty, our little prince here has been really busy today” the guard replied.

    “I see, so what did he do this time? Mix the horses feed with manure to make the horses look more colorful like flowers?” Kind Joel asked struggling not to laugh.

    “That was last week your Grace” the guard replied, biting back a smile, “He decided to add glue to the body armor of some guards”.

    “I just thought it would make it easier if they had it on all the time” Prince Neo said without looking up.

    “Really, son, and what if the guards wanted to take a bath or sleep comfortably?” King Joel asked his son.

    “Well… I guess they need to take it off at times then” Prince Neo replied, scratching his head.

    “He also glued the mouth of the dogs, I don't know how he was able to achieve that, but he did” the guard said laughing this time.

    “I did it only because mother complained their barking was giving her a headache” Prince Neo replied looking offended.

    The little prince was something of a tyrant, always getting into trouble for one thing or another. He had been known to burn down the stables with fireworks, set the sheep free because he thought they needed some exercise, and many outrageous offenses all done in good faith.

    “Okay young man, I think you require time out, you're grounded until further notice” King Joel proclaimed theatrically.

    “Do I still get to take my lessons?” Prince Neo asked, looking excited.

    “Yes son, you'll be taught in your room henceforth” Prince Joel replied.

    “Oh No” the prince replied, looking downcast and heading to his room.

    “Hi honey” Queen Mira said to her son as she stepped into his room to check on him.

    “Good day mother, I would have come to see you earlier, but father says I'm grounded, and cannot leave this room” Prince Neo said.

    “Really, I heard dear, so I'm here to keep you company” his mother replied.

    “Thank you mother” Prince Neo replied smiling.

    “I'm going to tell you a little story son” Queen Mira said, she cleared her throat and settled down comfortably.

    “Long, long ago, there was a princess who was a bit of a handful just like you, of course. But she was also a sweet caring girl, one day she decides to hide all the fruits in the palace dining bowl so that she could give them to her poor friends from the kingdom later. So she grabs them and runs to the uppermost floor of her father's castle”.

    “What happens next?” the prince asked excitedly.

    “Well she finds a storage room to hide her bounty safely, but then the door closes behind her and locks, and she can't open it” the queen said.

    “Oh that's bad” prince Neo replied giggling.

    “So, after hours of shouting and calling for help, she realizes she was stuck. She starts eating the fruits and thinks to herself ‘Oh well apples it's just me and you guys now’. The apples end up sustaining her because she became stuck there for 2 days while the entire kingdom searched for her in vain” Queen Mira said laughing.

    The prince screeched in delight and asked, “Was she found?”

    “Yes she was found on the third day by a maid who screamed as if she had seen a ghost and fainted right after” Queen Mira replied shrugging.

    The prince burst into giggles and bounced on his bed

    “I guess you should also add that you are the naughty princess my dear” The king said, shaking his head in amazement and laughing.

    “Well, guilty as charged. Now our son knows my secret. How long have you been standing there” the Queen said in mock annoyance, rolling her eyes.

    “Long enough my dear” King Joel replied winking at his son.

    The Prince went into another fit of giggles as he watched his parents glare at each other. The visit was cut short by the summoning of the King and Queen, they bade their son a good day and headed to see their guests.

    “You know our son takes after you in being naughty” King Joel said to the Queen chuckling.

    “Yes I do, and I also know he'll outgrow this stage just like I did” Queen Mira replied.

    “Let's hope he doesn't fall into a well or something” King Joel groaned.

    “Hopefully not!” Queen Mira replied sharing a secret smile with her husband as they walked into the visitor's chambers.

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