Somedays I can't win. My Actifit Report Card: March 13 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Now by all standards today was a producive day.

    I got up early to wake up my son and then took some time to read my bible and get a start on my day. When he was ready to go to school I took him there (his car isn't ready to yet) and came back to take Nico for a walk after that.

    Finish my walk with Nico and it's time for stretches, balance exercises and strength exercises. Although I will admit I didn't do too much strength exercises because I'm still sore from yesterday.

    Then it's time for me to write an article for the Hive Learners community. Make lunch for my homestay student. Head off to the grocery store to pick up snacks for our homestay student while we are away on vacation. Go to the bank to get some spending money for our vacation. Buy some clothing for the trip.

    When I get home from shopping its time to vacuum the house, get the dishes done, start preparing dinner for the evening, and as my son requested a ride to the gym I took him there too. Come back home and start working on the laundry.

    As time progresses its time to take the dog out for his evening walk.

    Now the rhododendrons are starting to perk up and I see some buds but no flowers yet. Hopefully they will come sooner than later.

    While I was checking out the Rhododendrons I heard some eagles playing in the park. I did catch a glimpse of them in the tree but by the time I took a picture they were either hiding or moved elsewhere.

    Pretty sad looking tree on a rather bleak looking day.

    When I get home I have a little bit of good news. My son got accepted into University, Horray! I figure my wife will be in a good mood when she gets home. The chores are done, dinner is ready, and her son got into university. What more could be asked for?


    She was tired from work. Yes, she was happy her son made it to University. However, she didn't like the dinner and wanted to make some seafood instead. She was upset that I put her clothes in the dryer (on low) because they were new. She was upset I didn't take the garbage out. Then when I went to take it out (in the container) she got after me for not just taking the garbage bag.

    They are thin bags and I don't trust them. It broke on the way out to the garbage (sigh).

    Overall there are some days I just can't win. When my wife is feeling "beat up" and tired from work.... Well, I'm just happy I did what I did. If I was lazy all day I'm sure it would be worse :)

    But it will pass and I got my 11k steps.

    So, overall a good day for me.

    Even if its a tiring one for her :)

    thanks for dropping by.

    until tomorrow
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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