Unpredictable weather conditions in my City

in voilk •  4 months ago

    February is a bit of a tricky time in Karachi. It's like the weather can't make up its mind, shifting from chilly winter to kinda warm as we step closer to spring. But let me be real with you – we, the Karachi people, aren't thrilled about any of it. Dealing with the weather changes is tough, and a lot of us end up getting sick, especially in February.


    Just when we're getting used to the cold, aahhh Spring and summer roll in. Now, Karachi is famous for its moody weather. Even the weather forecast team sometimes scratch their heads, not sure what's coming. Rain predictions? Well, if they say it's coming, it might hit only a few spots in Karachi, leaving the rest hanging. And when the rain really pours, chaos follows. Everything gets messed up, seriously.


    Take yesterday morning, for example. I'm on my way to work, and the weather decides to play games. Clouds pop out of nowhere, and a cool breeze kicks in until noon. Nice, right? Nope! When the sun finally shows its face, it's like it's got superpowers – intense heat that feels like burning if you stand in it for a few minutes. The sun's doing its own version of hide and seek, leaving us all confused. Is it still winter or did summer crash the party? Should we turn on the fans or the A/C? At work, some folks are sweating, others are shivering. The current weather situation? It's like a comedy show.


    Talking with my family, we've noticed the weather changing every year. The sun's heat is cranking up, way more than when we were kids. Back then, hot weather meant one thing, but now at 35 degrees Celsius, it feels like a scorching 45 degrees. Karachi's winters are like a blink-and-you-miss-it situation. But when the weather switches from cold to hot, it's not fun. Especially for kids – they catch a lot of bugs and end up sick.


    The more I think about it, the more I believe this crazy weather is linked to something we heard about ages ago – global warming. Back then, some of us thought it was a made-up thing, but now, it's hitting us for real. People are worried and trying to fix things. Planting more trees is a big deal – they say it helps. Also, using cleaner energy to cut down on pollution. And you know those plastic bags? They're causing a mess in our atmosphere.


    Doing something about climate change might sound hard, but trust me, we all can make a difference. Planting trees, using fewer plastic bags, and telling people about climate change – it's like doing our little part. I get it, it's not always on our minds, but if we all chip in, things could get better.


    So, the story of Karachi's weather troubles is like a puzzle with unpredictable twists, struggles to adapt, and this looming issue called climate change. The experiences we're going through in Karachi are just a small piece of the bigger challenge the whole world is facing. It's like a team effort – each one of us needs to step up and take care of our city and our planet.

    All above pictures are taken by me through my cell phone Moto E4.

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