Battle Mage Challenge: Even Stevens. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Even Stevens rule.

    Splinterlands tells us the following about the Even Stevens rule:

    Only units with even mana costs may be used.
    This rule does not apply to summoners.

    Half the cards are not playable in the Even Stevens rule. We can only use even-mana cards, which means that many of the meta Sneak units are not playable. Instead, a lot of magic cards tend to be even mana cards, so we can be prepared to face that. Other important and relevant cards playable here are Grimbardun Smith, Deeplurker, Diemonshark, Baakjira, Queen Mycelia and Pelacor Conjurer. Be prepared to face them.


    Incompatible Rules

    Even Stevens is incompatible with Little League and Odd Ones Out.


    My Battle : Even Stevens battle

    Battle configuration
    LeagueWild Diamond league.
    RulesUnprotected, Even Stevens, Rise of the Commons
    SplintersDeath, Water, Earth, Fire, Life

    My Lineup

    Opponent's Lineup


    Battle progress and Result

    In round 1, the enemy Supply Runner opens the battle, and enrages my Arkemis. Then its his turn to strike, and deals some damage to the Diemonshark, applies Halving, but then gets struck back by an enraged Retaliate. Then the Diemonshark does his normal attack to bring my Arkemis down to 4 health, before it is brought back up to full health by the Anatosh Soothsayer. Next, my remaining units strike and are able to kill the Diemonshark, while Goblin Psychic brings Arkemis back up to 5 health.


    In round 2, my Arkemis opens and does 5 damage to the enemy Arkemis. Afterwards, the enemy Arkemis is healed while my tank takes 1 more damage and then dodges Deeplurker. Finally, River Nymph is able to kill him and my Goblin Psychic now takes the tank position. Then my units attack. Katrelba is able to finish Supply Runner, and gets a Bloodlust stack. Finally, my Goblin Psychic and Spore Beast bring down Arkemis.


    In round 3, my opponent's units make their final stand against my team, but its pretty clear that they cant win. They bring Goblin Psychic to 1 health, but afterwards my Katrelba kills the River Nymph, and my ranged attackers bring down the Deeplurker. Finally, in round 4 the Anatosh Soothsayer is killed, securing the victory for me!


    Alternative lineups

    Crypt Mancer

    Yodin Zaku




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