in voilk •  3 months ago


    Sadaqat al-Fitr is obligatory on which people?

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    A Muslim who is rich enough that Zakat is obligatory on him or Zakat is not obligatory on him, but in addition to debt and necessary means, there is in his possession property or means of such value that the value is equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver or If it is more than that, it is obligatory on him to give charity on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, whether it is commercial property or non-commercial property, whether the year has passed or not. This charity is called Sadaqah al-Fitr.

    Just as it is obligatory for men to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr if they are wealthy, similarly if a woman is wealthy or has assets worth fifty-two and a half tolas of silver in addition to debts and necessities. equal to the value, for example, she has a jewel that was given by her parents or the husband gave the woman a jewel equal to the nisab as her property, or if the dowry received so much jewelry that is equal to the nisab, then the woman is also entitled to it from her own side. It is obligatory to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr, yes, if the husband tells her to pay it on her behalf, it will be paid.

    It is wajib for a wealthy woman to pay her Sadaqah al-Fitr, but it is not wajib for her to pay it on behalf of anyone else, neither on behalf of children, nor on behalf of parents, nor on behalf of husband.

    However, it is obligatory for a wealthy person to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his minor children. . If adult children are wealthy, then it is not obligatory on the father to pay Sadaqah al-Fitr on their behalf.

    For more details, see: Encyclopedia of Fasting Issues by Mufti Muhammad Inamul Haque Qasmi (Damat Barakatham) entitled Sadaqah al-Fitr. Only Allah knows


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